Bruce ~ Surprise Party

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Happy Birthday, Big Daddy Bat.

Something sweet and short for the world's best Bat-dad. 

Rated: PG-13

Ratchet Happy Birthday ~ Drake 

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"What? You don't think Bruce will like it?" 

When Tim slowly shook his head in agreement, you couldn't help slumping your shoulders as you let out a dejected sigh. Tim opened his mouth to protest your disappointment when you began wadding up the t-shirt in your hands, but ultimately held his tongue in surprise as you turned around and chucked it across the room before folding your arms tightly over your chest. 

"H-Hey, (Y/N), you can't do that in a department store," Tim whispered. You turned your head to find a trio of sales associates staring you down from the line of registers in the center of the salesfloor, and immediately buried your face in your hands as your cheeks began to burn. Tim sighed. "I know--" 

"No, you don't know," you whined quietly. "It's easy for you guys to come up with presents for Bruce. I mean, how am I supposed to match the presents given to him in years prior by his literal children? You guys have all had years to get it right. I have today. Today, Tim!" 

"You do realize he's not my dad, right?" Tim mumbled almost inaudibly, though it was clear you hadn't heard as you had already begun walking off to another end of the store. Tim followed behind, though he kept his distance when you began muttering to yourself while deciding between a black baseball cap or a stainless steel water bottle with a built-in filter. He figured he'd be the last line of defense in case you decided to test out your throwing arm again. 

It was the third store in twenty minutes the two of you had been through, and, frankly, you were beginning to worry that the Gotham Mall wouldn't hold the one thing you'd set out to find: a birthday present for Bruce Wayne. It has always a joke that everyone struggles to find a gift for an individual who seems to have everything, but you had always been on the laughing end. Unfortunately, now you were forced to discover that it wasn't anything funny. What's worse, it was the day of Bruce's surprise party, and you'd wound up dragging Tim to the mall the minute it opened that morning to give you all the time you needed. 

And while the party wasn't until that evening, you had practically wasted all morning and afternoon struggling to search every store that had even the smallest ounce of potential of housing a gift for Bruce Wayne. 

Tim pursed his lips dejectedly when you ultimately decided to place both items back on their respective shelves and stalk back over to him in defeat. When you lifted your head and looked him the eye with the most pitiful expression he'd ever seen, he simply rolled his eyes before opening his arms and inviting you in for a hug. You gladly accepted with another low whine. 

"Next store?" Tim raised a hand to pat you on the head. You nodded. 

The store next door wasn't of any use, and neither was the one around the corner, and the only reason you stopped by the store at the end of that particular hall was because Tim wanted to pick up a couple of things for you as a belated Valentine's Day gift--things he absolutely needed your opinion on. Another hour passed by after that, and though you only had one or two shopping bags in hand--you'd felt guilty for missing Selina's birthday at the beginning of the month and decided to grab something for her while you were at it--you and Tim decided to take a break and head to the food court to brainstorm for a bit. 

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