Jason ~ Misshapen II

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The sequel to "Misshapen"

Rated: R 

TW: suicide, blood, psychosis  

Chemical X (feat. timms) ~ UNDREAM 

* * * 

I laid back in bed, staring up at the ceiling above me. The threats Jason and I had spouted off to each other were still bouncing around in my head nearly eight hours later, which was partly to blame for my restlessness. The rest was something else that was tugging at the back of my mind, something I'd been desperately trying to suppress and forget:

My desire to hurt Jason.

It was like an annoying thorn in my side, one so deep under my skin that I desperately tried to ignore it, yet with every move I made, it continued to make its presence known. I couldn't get rid of it, and right now, it felt as though it were eating me alive. No matter how hard I tried, my mind kept drifting back to our argument, and I couldn't just look past what I'd said.

After finishing my shower, I had to be helped out because I wasn't quite able to do so on my own. I suppose it made it easier for Alfred to diagnose and bandage me up. According to Alfred, I'd survived our fight with two cracked and three additional bruised ribs, as well as a moderate concussion and a few other bruised body parts that seemed irrelevant, compared to how much the former were bothering me. While he was in the middle of fixing me up, however, Alfred had eventually had to stop in order to lock the bathroom door to prevent Dick from breaking in. 

Unfortunately, while I was receiving the best medical assistance anyone here could offer, I hadn't been given anything to suppress the pain that came with trying to fix me. I ended up screaming for a solid hour before I was simply left in tears, bruised and voiceless. I was then carried back to my room by Alfred, who had laid me down on my bed in nothing but my bandages and a towel, since I requested that I be left undressed. The mere thought of trying to put on clothes was painful enough. I was then left alone per my request, where I'd remained well into the night in the same position. 

It wasn't anything that I wasn't used to; both the emotional and the physical pain came with being involved with this family. However, in this instance, something felt different. It wasn't just my body that was in need of being mended. It was my mind; my thoughts. 

A soft knock on my door pulled my attention, and I closed my eyes as light from the hallway flooded into my room, doing absolutely nothing to help my headache.

"I know you're not asleep," a calming voice muttered, and I felt the corner of my mouth twitch in what probably came up as the most pathetic smile I'd ever mustered.

"Your sleuthing skills are absolutely astonishing," I whispered, not bothering to make an attempt to turn my head in his direction. I just continued to lie face-up on my bed, my towel splayed over my body.

"I'd have to agree," he joked back, letting out a soft chuckle. I heard his booted footsteps slowly approach my bed, and I felt the mattress dip as he sat down beside me. I sucked in a deep breath as he began lightly running his fingers through my stringy hair, which was probably messily spread out over the comforter beneath my head. It felt really nice, the complete opposite of Jason using his own head to try and fucking mutilate mine. 

"What are you thinking about?" Dick whispered. A sigh slipped through my nose as my heavy eyes slowly fluttered open to meet my dark, dull ceiling again.

"I'm not thinking about anything."

"You're lying," he muttered, practically voicing my immediate thoughts.

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