Tim ~ Tag, You're It (X-Vigilante! Reader)

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A one-shot based on a weird dream I had where two people in a musical spontaneously start singing to each other. You and Red Robin don't know each other's identities, therefore you only refer to each other by your vigilante names.

Rated: PG-13-ish

Tag, You're It ~ Melanie Martinez

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"Come out, come out, wherever you are, (Y/H/N)," Red Robin purred, his hushed voice echoing off the metal shipping crates stacked beside you. You clasped a hand over your mouth to stifle the giggle rising in your throat and peered around a crate to see Red Robin creeping through the warehouse, silently cursing himself anytime he made the tiniest bit of noise.

"Come on, (Y/H/N)! I need my staff back!" Red Robin finally whined, and you absentmindedly smirked as you glanced down at the shiny metallic staff you had in your hand. You'd managed to swipe it once the mission you and Red Robin had teamed up on was over, and decided to have a little fun with your amazing young friend when you had returned to clean up your mess. It was cute to see him pouting like a child as he searched around for you, but, until he had you for sure, you weren't going to give in.

"Here, birdie, birdie," you called softly, darting from your current position on the floor to the upper level catwalk as Red Robin whirled around, masked eyes finding the place where you'd just been hiding. You watched from above as he carefully crept up to the stack of crates, taking a deep breath before jumping over the creates and letting out an obnoxious, "Ha!" which was immediately followed by a disappointed, "huh?"

"(Y/H/N), I'll give you ten seconds, or else I'm going to smoke you out!" he yelled, pulling a handful of smoke bombs from his utility belt. You cringed; you'd worked together enough for him to know how strongly you hated the awful smell of that putrid smoke.


You leaned back against the catwalk's railing as you tried to find a way to keep this little game of chase of yours going--something to make it more interesting. You had to think of a way to make him pursue you...


You suddenly grinned, biting at your bottom lip as a somewhat-brilliant idea came to mind.

This could be fun.


"Looking at me through your window~" you sang quietly, running a hand over the railing as you watched Red Robin straighten up, his head cocking to the side. He'd heard you. You smirked and let out a deep sigh, drumming your fingers lightly over the railing again. "Boy, you had your eye out for a little~" Red Robin whirled around, eyes widening as he finally caught sight of you up on the catwalk. You shook your head playfully and leaned over the railing, placing your chin in the palm of your hand as you propped your elbow up on the cold metal surface.

"I'll cut you up and make you dinner... You've reached the end--" You paused, winking at Red Robin before whispering, "you are the winner~" Red Robin quickly scrambled over the crates, but by the time he'd made it to the top, you were already walking down to the other end of the catwalk.

"Rolling down your tinted window~" You glanced back at Red Robin over your shoulder at the sound of his booted footsteps, just as he'd started to climb onto the catwalk. You grinned and turned back, strutting down the catwalk a little further before spinning his staff around between your fingers. "Driving next to me real slow~" You made sure to sing the last part in an overly pouty voice, just for playful emphasis. By now, Red Robin was hurdling over the railing, the impact of him landing on the catwalk making the entire metal platform shake.

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