Jason ~ Touchdown (X-Cheerleader! Reader)

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Rated: G

(T/N) - Teacher's Name

(D/N) - Dean's Name

(N/N) - Nurse's Name

(C/C) - Cheer Captain

OMI ~ Cheerleader (0.o) 

* * *

We were the power couple at Gotham Academy. When we would hold hands and walk down the hallways, I would constantly feel the piercing glares I was receiving from my female classmates, and I could never stop rolling my eyes at the sexist comments Jason would receive on the other end from the guys. They would mutter nonstop about "how great it was that someone had finally leashed me", or that the way I dressed outside of school was "just an invitation for any other guy". Jason never listened to then, though; that was one of the things I loved most about him.

Another quality that brought us together was the fact that we were both crazy into sports. I'd played basketball when I was younger, but I really got into cheerleading in junior high, back when Jason seemed like just a little kid. Now that we were older, I was co-captain of the squad, and Jason was the running back for the football team. Completely stereotypical, right?

Anyway, tonight was one of the biggest games of the season; we were playing the students from Gotham North High School, a public school in northern Gotham, for the District title. I could tell that Jason was nervous about it all week - during our lunches, he'd refused to eat anything other than a few carrot sticks - and it was worrying me a bit. Right now, we were in American History, listening to our teacher go on and on about some war that was being fought against the British when we were battling for our independence and some other garbage. Jason was sitting with his head resting against his desk, letting out a sigh every so often.

I pursed my lips after a few minutes, taking a quick glance at my teacher before reaching across the aisle to tap Jason's shoulder.

"Hey, Jason?" I whispered. No answer. "Jason."

"Hm?" He hummed, turning his head toward me as his baby blue eyes fluttered open. I grimaced; he looked so worn out.

"Are you okay?" I whispered, moving my hand up to lightly ruffle his hair. He sighed, nodding.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he replied. "I'm just tired."

"You didn't sleep last night, did you?" I asked, though it was more of a statement. There was a moment of hesitation that was filled with our teacher's persistent babbling before he let out another sigh, running a hand down his face.

"No," he finally admitted. I frowned, playing with his raven locks as his gaze fell to the floor.

"Well, maybe you can sleep on the bus," I replied. "If you keep this up, it will only stress you out."

"It's the District playoff game, (Y/N); why wouldn't I be stressed about it?"

"Well, yeah, but -"

"Miss (L/N)?" Shit.

"Yes, Mr. (T/N)?" I squeaked, quickly retracting my hand from Jason.

"I understand that you and Mr. Todd may be inseparable, but perhaps he can spare you for a moment while you visit the dean." (T/N) muttered, peering at me over the rim of his glasses. I lowered my head as I shot Jason an apologetic look and gathered my things, ignoring the looks I was getting from my other classmates as I stood from my desk. (T/N) handed me a summons slip as I walked by his desk, barely giving me a second glance as he continued with his lesson.

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