Damian ~ Our Castle (X-Batsis! Reader)

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Rated: G (fluffy like cotton candy)

Brothers & Sisters ~ Coldplay

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"Come on, Damian, please?" I begged, jutting out my bottom lip as I looked down at Damian, who was glaring back up at me, arms folded tightly across his chest.

"No," he replied flatly, turning away. He began stalking down the hallway, and I followed, hot on his heels.

"But why?" I whined. "I just want to have a little fun with my little brother." Damian paused in the middle of the hall, letting out an exasperated sigh as he glanced back over his shoulder.

"(Y/N), you are an adult, for God's sake," he snapped, shaking his head disapprovingly, "and though I may be a mere thirteen years old, that does not mean I wish to engage in childish shenanigans like building a pillow fort!" I dramatically hung my head in defeat, plopping down onto my butt in the middle of the hallway like a toddler. Damian scoffed, rolling his eyes as he turned and continued down the hallway. I stayed where I was, letting out a loud groan every few seconds until Damian finally came stomping back around the corner to find me lying on my back, arms and legs outstretched on the floor.

"I really don't understand how Father can stand you," Damian grumbled, rubbing his forehead with his fingertips with a huff. I sighed loudly, tilting my chin to stare at him over my chest.

"Father enjoys building pillow forts with me," I pouted, and I struggled to hold back a smile as a bewildered look overtook Damian's face.

"H-He does?" Damian asked, furrowing his brow. I sat up, nodding.

"Oh, sure! Heck, even Alfred gets in on it from time to time!"

"It's true, Master Damian." Alfred appeared from the bedroom on my left and stepped over me, making his way to the living room. "It really is an invigorating project." Damian stared after Alfred's retreating figure, finally turning back to me once the butler was out of sight.

I continued to sit crisscross in the middle of the hallway with a childish grin on my face for the next few minutes while Damian stared at me, hopefully deciding that he would join me in building the most amazing pillow fort on Earth. Finally, he scoffed, folding his arms over his chest as he averted his gaze.

"If Father insists on engaging in such childish acts, then perhaps I should indulge to gain the full experience, as well," he muttered, and I threw my arms in the air, letting out a victorious whoop.

"Alright, Little D!" I cheered, shooting up from my spot on the floor. Damian rolled his eyes, scowling.

"I get enough of that repulsive nickname from Grayson; I shouldn't have to receive that type of improper recognition from my own sister," he muttered, but I ignored him as I grabbed hold of his arm and drug him down the hallway to the lounge.

"Alright!" I exclaimed, clapping my hands together. "The first thing we need in order to make a brilliant pillow fort is pillows--lots of pillows--and blankets! And," I leaned in real close to Damian, who seemed to unintentionally lean in as well, "mattresses. We need all the mattresses we can find!" Damian cocked an eyebrow, leaning away the slightest bit.

"This seems a little extreme for such a minimal pillow fort," he murmured. I gasped dramatically, holding a hand to my chest as I took a few steps back.

"This is not just some 'minimal pillow fort'," I mocked, shaking my head disapprovingly, "no, my dear Little D, this is going to be our...our...our castle!" This seemed to intrigue Damian a bit more, and I swear I saw a smile ghost over his lips before he snapped back into his normal stoic stance.

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