Damian ~ Behn (X-Pakistani! Reader)

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Requested by @InsufficientIvy ; I've never done anything regarding Pakistani culture, so I inquired heavily about the information for this chapter. I'm excited for you guys to read it. And @InsufficientIvy , I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Notes: heavily influenced by Pakistani culture and Damian's time at Nanda Parbat

Rated: G

Song TBD

* * * 

"I don't understand why you have to go."

Bruce let out a quiet sigh as he fiddled with the tie draped over his shoulders. His eyes met Damian's in the mirror, and he wasn't surprised to find the boy staring coldly at the floor with his arms folded tightly over his chest.

"We talked about this; I'm receiving an award for--"

"Another award does not warrant the need to travel," Damian muttered. "The organization could have just as easily mailed it to you. I'm sure they can afford first-class expedited shipping." Bruce straightened his tie before turning away from the mirror and wandering over to his desk, where his suit jacket lay draped over the back of his chair.

"The ceremony is funded in part by Wayne Enterprises. It only makes sense that I make an appearance, you know." He let out a quiet chuckle when Damian scoffed.

"You paid for your own party?" The boy shook his head. "To me, Father, that doesn't make sense."

"I'll say again, in part," Bruce muttered, slipping on the jacket. "The ceremony is just a means to make a public appearance. It's not everyday we have a reason to travel to D.C."

Damian's arms fell to his sides. "Fine, but I don't understand why I have to go."

"I'm not going to ask Alfred to come back from London a week early just to watch you for a couple days," Bruce replied, cocking an eyebrow when Damian scowled. "What's so bad about spending some time in the capital?"

"You couldn't have asked one of your previous wards to step in and play babysitter?" Damian growled.

"Damian, you're coming with me."

"I'm fourteen! I can take care of myself much more efficiently than any care provider--"

"Damian, you're coming with me."

Bruce held the boy's burning emerald gaze for a moment before smirking when Damian turned away, his fingers clutching the sleeves of his shirt. Damian hesitated for a moment before turning to storm out of Bruce's office to his own bedroom. Bruce waited until the door had been slammed shut before sinking into his chair with a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers. His eyes fell on the short stack of luggage leaned against the side of his desk, particularly to the briefcase sitting on top.

Damian would survive a couple days.

The latter was currently in his bedroom throwing together a bag of clothes for the unexpected trip. With every article he shoved into the duffle, the muscles in his wrists tightened until he had to force himself to pause when his palm cramped. With a growl, he threw the duffle off his bed before plopping down on the mattress, digging his thumb into his palm to ease the tension.

"Stupid award," he muttered out loud, his teeth gritting. "Stupid party. Stupid company."

Damian knew his real qualms didn't lie with any of it. Sure, he was frustrated with being dragged around at the last minute without a choice to decline, but he was much more frustrated with his father. Damian had been quite satisfied with the peace the past week had given him. It was only the two of them; no Alfred coddling him, no reporters waiting for him outside the Gotham Academy gates, no press conferences or grand openings calling Bruce away. The silence and uneventful environment had been particularly calming; it caught him by surprise, considering he'd thought he would be more restless.

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