Dick ~ Snowball Fights (Christmas Special)

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Merry Christmas. 

Rated: PG (language) 

Song: TBD

* * * 

It had finally snowed outside, and Dick was more ecstatic than any little kid I'd ever known; that's saying a lot, especially when it pertains to a grown man. 

"Dick, honey, you can't just go outside in your pajamas!" I exclaimed, holding my face in my hand as I stood in the front doorway. "Come back inside!" 

"(Y/N), it's snowing!" He yelled back, letting out a whoop as he stared up at the sky, which was now littered with little white specs. 

"Yeah, I can see that!" I replied, chuckling. "But, you're going to get sick if you don't -" 

"(Y/N), come outside with me!" I groaned; there was no reasoning with this man. I hesitated for a moment before turning and shutting the front door, though I didn't leave; I simply folded my arms over my chest and waited. I stood there for no more than three minutes before Dick came bursting through the door, teeth chattering and cheeks frostbitten. 

"(Y-Y/N)," Dick mumbled, giving me a sheepish smile, "u-um, can you make me some hot chocolate?" 

"Mm-hm," I mumbled, rolling my eyes as I led him back inside, shutting the door behind him. "Marshmallows?" 

"Of course," Dick replied, throwing his arm around my waist as the two of headed into the kitchen. I began boiling water for the hot chocolate as Dick trudged back to our room, and while I waited for him to come back, I went back to the foyer to clean up the snow that Dick had tracked in with him. When I returned to the kitchen, I rolled my eyes as I caught sight of Dick sitting at the dining room table, fully donning his outside snow gear. 

"Dick, honey, are you sure you want to go outside right now?" I murmured, grabbing a mug from the cabinet beside the sink. "It's really cold -" 

"(Y/N), it's snowing," he replied, chuckling. "Of course, I'm going outside! And, so are you." I paused as I finished pouring Dick's hot chocolate into the mug, shooting him a pointed look over my shoulder. 

"And, what makes you say that?" I muttered, turning back to the counter. "Don't think that you can just bat your little blue eyes, and it'll sway me into going outside in zero-degree weather just so you can watch the snow fall." 

"Come on, babe," Dick whined, moving from the kitchen table and over to my side as I began placing marshmallows into his drink. "It's the first big snow of the season! We have to go outside." 

"Dick, I have work to do, and so do you," I replied, handing him the mug of hot chocolate. "Besides, you'll just get sick if you go outside, now." 

"Which is why I'm wearing a coat," he replied matter-of-factly. "As long as I'm bundled up, I'll be just fine - the same goes for you." 

"Dick. . ." I trailed off, shaking my head. "Please don't make me do this -" 

"(Y/N), please come outside with me," Dick mocked, wrapping his arms around my waist. "I promise, just half an hour, and then we can cuddle up on the couch and watch a movie together, okay? Does that sound reasonable enough?" I hesitated for a moment as I peered up into his childish baby-blue eyes, and I couldn't help but smile. This guy, no matter how irritating he gets, always knows how to sway me. 

"Half an hour," I clarified, rolling my eyes as Dick let out a small whoop. He then leaned forward and pecked my forehead before heading back off to our room, only to return a moment later with all of my snow gear. I scoffed, folding my arms over my chest. "You are such a sneaky little bastard." 

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