What I Call Home

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Brantley POV

    As we get to her classroom she opens the door and we both walk in and I hear a gasp. We both look up and her class is staring with mouth open and one boy in the back says," that is Brantley Gilbert, hey Ms.Brown that is Brantley Gilbert, you know him?" 
   Sissie smiles and says,"Yes Hayden you are correct this is Brantley Gilbert and yes I do know him. Brantley this is my class of Juniors and if you listen to them soon to be Seniors but that is yet to be determined. Now everyone listen  up I will be gone the rest of the week but I expect to get a good report when I get back. Next week we have your finals so don't slack while I am gone. "
   With those words she grabbed papers and placed them in her bag and set up a few more things and turned to me and we walked out. She went to her car and got in while I climbed on my bike and pulled in behind her. I followed her to her house and smiled she really was living her dream a blue house with white shutters and a white picket fence.
    We walk to the front door and she unlocks it letting me in and waves her hand as she goes in and tells me to make myself at home. I watch as she walks down the hall and disappears into a room. I take in the living room and grin not much has changed in the past 11 years. Sissie has pictures covering every surface and wall. The one that draws my eye is on the mantle it's of her and Casey. They are standing with their arms wrapped around each other both smiling big looking at the camera. I walk over and touch it realizing just how much time has been lost. Fuck why was I such an idiot? Why didn't I go after her, keep her from leaving Jefferson. Then I see behind it is a small picture of me and Sissie sitting on my first motorcycle. I smile thinking of that day, Casey took our picture and we thought we had the world at our fingertips.
  Sissie walks up behind me and said," that is one of my favorites. Daddy brought it to me last time he came to visit said he thought I might want it. Do you remember that day?"
  "Yeah I do, I had just bought my first bike from doing gigs and you were so happy for me cause I had achieved 2 of my dreams, making money singing and owning a bike. God if I could only go back I would change and do so many things different . I would take it all back if I could."
"B, you wouldn't be the man or artist you are if you had done things differently. Songs wouldn't have the meaning that they do."
I cock my eyebrow and ask," how would you know?"

Mumbling "well I might have a cd or 4 laying around."
"Really darlin... do tell"
"Shut the fuck up BG and lets go "
"Are you packed or do you need to call anyone and let them know where you are gonna be?" I ask.
   "Yeah I am all covered, I will have to thank Mama Becky for letting me stay with her. Daddy said she had been doing good "

   "Yeah she has but she will be thrilled to see you again Sissie, now do you remember how to get to Jefferson or do you need me riding ahead of you showing you how to get there?"

  "Yeah I think I remember B" rolling her eyes

Growling"Sissie don't roll your eyes at me"
   "what are you gonna do B.... not a damn thing"she says sassy.
   Stalking over to her I lean down and growl in her ear "don't test me cause I will spank that ass, cause even though we haven't been in touch the last 11 years I promise you that much hasn't changed"
   Sissie blinks and shakes her head," fuck ... B don't go there"
     "Why not Sissie" raising my eyebrow and smirking
     Backing up and licking her lips "I mean it B don't go there"
    "Why the hell not" I growl
"You fucker you know what that growl does to me"
  "I know what it did 11 years ago but no I don't know what it does now cause you walked away and never looked back. Never gave me or our plans we made another thought"
   She clenches her fists and stalks over to me and says glaring," don't don't you fucking go there because you know how I felt about how you were acting then so don't blame me for walking away"

   "Oh hell no honey you didn't just walk away you fucking ran as fast as you could  and never looked back at the broken man you left behind"

" Brantley .. just don't "
"I mean it just don't , I can't ... don't , I mean we have a hard enough few days ahead of us. We have to get through so please don't. You ready to go?"
"Yeah I am ready " I say stalking to the door and turn around "don't think this is over cause it ain't not by a long shot, do you hear me?"
  I go and get on my bike and pull out. Sissie is behind me and I am bringing her home. I let that thought sink in and then I let my mind wander and I know that there is no damn way I am letting her leave again.

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