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Brantley POV

Today is gonna be hard on me but I can only imagine how hard it is going to be for Sissie. I haven't told her but I have to sing at the funeral, Carey had requested it and specified the song he wanted me to do was Modern Day Prodigal Son. It was the reason he and I met and connected. He said that no matter how many hits I wrote that one would always be his favorite. So I have asked Jesse to come and play with me. I don't know that I can do it but I will definitely give it my best shot. I have let her sleep and I have been working on the song that is Carey's . I think back to my last show that he came too and hanging on the bus with him.

"Boss it is time to bring Sissie home. It is getting too dangerous for her in Atlanta. She has had a couple of run ins with students and I have begun to fear for her safety. She needs you and you need her. The only way she will come back is for you. Why don't you make plans to go with me next time? I mean it is time for you two to work this shit out."

"Carey I won't pretend that I don't love her because I do. I never really stopped. I always thought that she would come back and I could show her that I have changed. I can only hope she will. I want her back but she has to come home on her own and then I will know that she has moved past and is ready to move forward. I know I need her... Hell I tried 2 separate times to move on and I couldn't she has my heart and never gave it back. So I will tell you when Sissie comes home then and only then will I pursue her until then keep her safe. "

   " Brantley you okay?"

I look up and Sissie is standing by the door and I try to smile but I know I failed. "Yeah just thinking about my last conversation with Carey. Hell....I miss that man so much Sissie." She walks over to me and sits down crossways on my leg pulling my head to her chest. "I know B ... He really did love you like a son."
   " He helped me get clean and fight my demons. I need to tell you something.  They told me Carey requested that I sing Modern Day at the service. I asked Jesse to come and play because I am not sure I can get through it."
  Sissie kisses my lips quickly, "you can do it and there is no other song that I think is my daddy than that. He played that thing nonstop everytime he came to visit me. Told him that I was gonna break his CD and then what would he do and the smartass told me buy it on amazon but until it got here he would listen to it on Itunes. "
   I can't help but laugh cause that was so Carey.  I look at the time and we both know that its time to get ready.We head to the bathrooms to shower and be ready for this. I was zipping on my leather chaps over my brand new black jeans with my v neck black short sleeve t-shirt and my harley boots. I have my hat on backwards and I hear Sissie coming down the stairs. She is dressed in a black sleeveless dress that hits above her knee and black peep toe heels. Her hair is put up in a bun and she is wearing a pair of dogtags. I know they are Carey's . He gave them to her when her Mama died when she was 9. When I met her she never took them off, alwAys knew as long as she had them he was with her. She's so beautiful.
   I stand and take her hand and we go to the truck. Coop came by and took my bike to the lot so I would have it and Sissie didn't  have to drive.  As we reach the clubhouse everyone is already lined up and we get out Sissie heads to the car where Lucy and Ashleigh are waiting for her. I head to my bike looking back and as she starts to get in she makes eye contact with me and I nod my head. She gets in and I get on my bike and I look around and see our family and know that we are all hurting. I give the signal and the loud thundering of a hundred bikes I can't help but smile cause Carey would be laughing right about now and saying,"best sound in the whole damn world well besides a woman screaming your name as you fuck her hard"

   We pull into the funeral home and they are already ready. Like Sissie requested I lead the procession with Deke and Coop behind me then the hearse and then the car with the girls and the rest of the MC. As I pull through the gates I see where we are going under the big oak tree sits a tent and a freshly dug grave. We park and the girls get out of the car. Deke,Coop, and myself are on one side of the casket and on the other is Jasper, Randolph, and Williams we carry the casket with Sissie surrounded by Luce and Ash follow behind. The military are in place and Preacher is waiting on us. We place the casket down and go stand behind our Ol' ladies. I place my hand on Sissie's shoulder and she reaches up and holds on.
    "Let us pray. Father we come to you today and ask that you give us comfort in our heartbreak as we have to say until to a father, a friend, and a brother. Please comfort Sissie and let her know she is never alone. Amen. We are here to pay our last respects to Carey he was a friend to most, a brother to us, a soldier who served his country, but he would tell you his most important role was that of Husband and Father. Carey has now joined June and is probably the happiest he has been in a long time. He loved June and thought the world of her, now they are together again. Next his favorite title was Daddy.  Sissie the day you were born Carey was the happiest I have ever seen him. He toted you around and showed you off to everyone. He continued to do that even when you became an adult.  He was so proud of you and doing what you loved.  He was a brother to us and was always helping someone out. To his brothers in the military he was so proud of you all and so proud to have been a Marine. He exemplifies the motto of Semper Fidelis Always Faithful. His word was better than gold because it was strong sure and constant. So take this and be a better person because I am for knowing him. Boss,Carey had a song that he requested you sing. So I turn it over to you. "
   I make my way to the stools that are placed at the head of the casket. Jesse meets me and hands me my guitar and we both sit down and Jesse begins to play and I play and sing Modern Day Prodigal Son . I look at Sissie and she has tears running down her face with her eyes closed. I can't stop looking at her and she opens her eyes and like me she is remembering the night we all met back at the MC Clubhouse. I finish the song and the Marine company come and fold the flag and taps begins to play and they do a 21 gun salute .Every shot Sissie jumps and she is trying to hold the sobs in when they kneel and tell her," On behalf of our country and the President of the United States and the United States Marine Corp  I present you with this flag as a thank you for your fathers  service."  Sissie takes the flag and clutches it to her chest as the tears stream down her face. Everyone starts to come by and lay a flower on top of the casket as they leave. Sissie looks to me and Lucy ," you go ahead, please let me be the last one to say goodbye, by myself."  I placed my flower and walked toward my bike. I stopped about halfwAY and stood watching the woman I love deal with saying goodbye alone. She is standing talking to the casket but I cent hear. Her legs buckle and I start that way Deke and Coop grab my arms. I am furious. Coop said," Boss she has to do this. Just be prepared. Yall gonna be okay?"
   "Yeah we will, I will bring her back on my bike."
I stand watching as she says goodbye to the one man who never let her down, her daddy.
"God, please give me another chance with her, let me show her I am a changed man. Give me one more chance to prove to her that I can be trusted. Carey I promise I will take care of our girl. "

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