Thoughts on Jefferson

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Sissie POV

I followed behind Brantley and I thought about the days ahead and how I could get in and get out of Jefferson as quick as I can. Brantley was wrong when he said I ran and never looked back. I had to leave because everywhere I looked in Jefferson all I see is memories of us together. At 19, I knew that if I didn't leave I would just get in the cycle of breaking up and taking him back and even though he didn't cheat I knew it was just a matter of time. That was what a lot of the MC life was about. I saw what it did to my Mama and I was determined to get out. To make something of myself, and I have. I went to Athens and got my degree and have been in Atlanta ever since teaching high school English and Literature.
Brantley thinks I forgot him but little does he know that I have everyone of his CD's and I have even been to a couple of his shows. As much as I have tried I cannot forget the boy I knew 11 years ago who stole my heart when he made my daddy cry at his show in the MC. I remember watching Daddy walk over to him after he finished playing and shake his hand and tell him that Modern Day Prodigal Son could be written about his life. When Brantley smiled it lit up the whole room and then Daddy called me over and introduced us and I looked into those green eyes and I was gone. No hope of ever coming back from loving him. So I know that I have to get in and out as quick as possible, and never for whatever reason be alone with that man. He was sexy at 16 but now he's downright dangerous. I know it is going to be hard but I can't fall back under his spell. I know he just went through a breakup and I am not planning on being the rebound girl. I know from Daddy that he is sober now and I am so happy because I know that for a while it was a really rough road he was going down.
   As we pull into town I see the diner where we had our first date, and we drove past the highschool where he played ball and I was in the stands cheering him on. There is the water tower that we climbed to get away from everyone and just talk. This is what I meant I see Brantley and Sissie everywhere I look. But she is dead, she died when I saw the pictures of that naked girl in bed with Brantley. Karissa took her place and vowed never to be in that position.
    We pull into his Mama's driveway and I park and get out. Mama Becky comes out and hugs me and says," Sissie I am so sorry, your daddy was one of the best men I know. Now what can I do to help?"
    "Brantley said that I could stay here with you instead of going to a hotel " I tell her.
   She smiles and said," Of course you can. It's not like it will be the first time. Come on in and let's get you settled. "
  Brantley grabs my bag after hugging his Mama and we make our way upstairs to what used to be Brantley and Kolby's rooms. My heart sinks as soon as we open the door and step in, the carpet is full of water. Mama looks shocked and Brantley runs to the bathroom and he opens the door and a pipe has burst. He turns off the water by the cut off valve. Then pulls out his phone and calls someone to come fix it. Mama looks at me and said," Sissie I am so sorry girl"
  "Mama it's okay. I can just go to a hotel and I will be fine." I tell her.
   Brantley walks in and tells her " Serve Pro  will be coming to clean up the mess and Bobby is on his way to fix the pipe."
He looks at me and says," you can stay with me in Maysville at my house it is plenty big enough and not far from the MC. You will be able to come and go as you please and won't bother anyone."
   " I can just get a room at the hotel it's not that big of a deal"
   "Sissie I can't in good conscience let you stay all alone dealing with all this so please just take my offer as one of an old friend"
    I look at them both "okay I will but just long enough to get everything done"
     Brantley takes my bag and puts it back in my car and I follow him to his house and my jaw drops. His house is everything he ever talked about wanting when we would dream about it at 16. He takes me upstairs and shows me to my room and I unpack and change into jeans and a tshirt cause I know that we need to go to the MC. This way I can start taking care of things and be able to get out as quick as possible. Brantley said,"Deke has called and they have released the body to the funeral home if you want to go by there on the way to the MC. "
  I nod my head," yeah that is probably best if I go ahead and see what Daddy had picked out and what he wanted. I will have to make some phone calls to get in touch with his buddies in the marines. But first, lets go see my daddy" I want to cry but I don't cause my daddy didn't raise a weak person. He raised me to withstand any storm life could through my way and I plan on doing just that.

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