VIP Session

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Sissie POV

As I walked between B and PJ there are a few fans out B takes my hand in his as we head to this tent. He stops and kisses my cheek, "Stay with PJ he will get you in and out and we will meet up after okay"
"Okay but what am I in for in there?" I ask
PJ laughs and shakes his head," Well Sissie I ain't gonna lie it can get raunchy sometimes if there are no kids present they will ask anything from questions about my sex life to questions about my Mama or Sylo. I do ask if there are children for them to keep it PG but you never know how it's gonna go" B tells me as Jesse walks up and hands him a guitar. B nods and Jesse goes on in and B turns to follow I squeeze his hand and he looks back at me, "kickass in there Boss" B smiles so big I can't help but smile back. It feels damn good to see that smile and know I caused it to be on his face.
"Just for you princess" he says as he turns back and disappears. PJ takes me around the side and we slip in where he has a stool for me to sit on and he stands right beside me.
B lays down his rules of the session and I crack up when he does the whole my sisters brothers uncles cousin girlfriend saying in that deep gravelly country voice. PJ leans over and whispers," that never gets old might after night when he does that voice and says that I still laugh"
" I can see why he is so funny and really isn't trying to be he just is, always been that way. Good to see he didn't lose that "
"Nah he's still the same boy about a lot of things just grown up, he had to. He lost the most important person to him besides his Mama and that makes a boy grow up into a man"

I turn as I hear B introduce Jesse and he says The Trace and throws up gang signs. "One day it's going to catch on if I keep saying it " B says and everyone laughs. They sing Grown Ass Man , I love that song but more importantly I love hearing anything B does acoustically. There has always been something about his voice with just a guitar or two. Takes me back to the days of sitting on his tailgate and him playing everything from Lynard Skynyrd , Cash,Willie, Hank Jr, to Amazing Grace and Back in Black.
He asks if there are any kids and there were a couple that were 14 so he told the crowd ," okay y'all got to keep it PG-14 today folks"

I shake my head , "PJ I had every reason to leave at the time."
Nods his head,"I know Sissie but, you are back now. He changed when he finally realized that the bottle wasn't gonna help him get over you and another woman was just a poor substitute and would never be you. "
I quietly whisper,"Maybe I should have come back sooner." I narrow my eyes and glance at PJ,"Did she seriously just ask what kind of underwear he wears?"
"Wait for it" PJ says with a snicker.
I turn and watch B smirk and he says leaning over like he was telling a secret "Nottttthhhhhiiiinnnn" and so help me god if that didn't affect me I ain't sitting down. I cut my eyes to PJ ,"he loves that shit doesn't he?"
Throws his head back laughing ,"its boss of course he does" and I can't help but wonder if what he said to the crowd is true. I look back to the stage and B is watching me and he winks and smirks as he takes the next question if he is single. I tilt my head waiting on his answer," well truthfully I gave my heart away a long time ago so while I may technically be single I have to answer that I am not. "
I turn to PJ," How many has he took on that bus with him after these things? "
Cuts a look at her,"ummm none..."
"PJ" I grumble
"None seriously Sissie" he smiles at me,"why you looking to be the first and change that"
Huffing and crossing my arms,"no I just want a full picture of what I am dealing with besides I will be going to the bus just not in that way."
He helps me off the stool since B has wrapped things up ,"uh huh sure sweetheart , whatever you say..."
"PJ you know good and well I am on his bus, you helped carry my stuff on there when we got here, so what is the deal? Unless you just lied to me and he has had all kinds of women on that bus after his sessions and shows"
"Nope didn't lie" as he helps me onto the golf cart and leans down in my ear as B walks out "but baby girl you are lying to me and yourself if you try to say you don't still want him"
Cutting my eyes ," I don't know PJ so confused, my body says yes but my mind says no "
He gives me a smile," you will figure it out . Bet ya have a little help too"
  BG comes jogging up ,"well Sissie. What did you think?" he climbs on behind me leaning up and placing his chin on my shoulder. "Well it was different and at times a little shocking, I know you warned me but I never would have thought people would have asked some of those questions. You really meant it when you said they ask anything. I mean from what kind of underwear you had on to if you had a girlfriend, to where they could meet you for some personal time. Then turned around and asked about Mama Becky and Solo"
   "Yeah" he says with a laugh as he runs his hand over his beard." I guess it can be a little shocking but I tell them don't ask unless they really want to know the answer and be warned if I don't want to answer I won't. Kind of gotten used to it i guess heard almost everything I imagine over the years. And as far as meeting me for personal time, well they are shit out of luck. Only got my eyes in one direction."

   "And do prey tell what direction is that, Boss?" I turn and ask.
"Aaaalllll on you sweetheart" he says smiling and I can fee myself blush. "Really B ? You going cheesy on me? What happened to the bad ass biker I knew?"
   He leans down nipping my ear and whispers, "well anytime you want me to pull him out to play Darlin I am all for it . but for now, well can't I just flirt wit ya ? What's wrong with that? Besides," giving me a knowing look as he follows me onto the bus,"if I act like that , you are gonna balk because you think I am pushing for you to be my old lady again . Sooo do me a favor baby, get out of your head and just enjoy yourself tonight."
  I take a deep breath to calm my racing heart and tell my body to call down before I turn around and face him," okay B i hear what you are saying and yeah you can flirt all you want to, might be a nice change for you Mister I wear Noooooottttthhiiiiinnnnn"

A wide evil grin spreads across his lips and he walks forward wrapping an arm around me spreading his fingers across my stomach. "Well, you are more than welcome to find out anytime baby girl. But if I recall your just as bad about it as I am . " he kisses my cheek and stalks back to the back to go change for the show.
"Ugh that man is going to be the death of me" I mumble picking up my pillow I left on the couch flopping down and covering my head up to hide the wide smile I can't get off my face. All the time repeating to myself calm down Karissa .Don't jump in with both feet anymore.
I hear footsteps a few minutes later and the pillow is pulled off my face . oh god I bite my lip as I get a whiff of his cologne and take in the camo tank top , jeans, chains and that damn backwards hat and I mentally say ah screw it .
  He cooks an eyebrow at me .... "You feeling okay there darling?"
"Well you look like you want to take a bite out of me ."
"I may want to but that don't mean that I will besides you have somewhere to be right now and it isn't making out with me."
"Darlin they can wait, this can't"and he leans over and takes my face between his hands and as he comes closer I sigh. B.... I murmur looking up at him ."uh uh...just go with it " as he brushes his lips against mine making me grab the front of his shirt tugging him closer.
  He slides his hands to my ass and pulls me against him as he ravages my mouth, losing all thought of where he was and what he was doing. I run my hands over his chest and back down finding my way under his tank top.

  "Boss you ready ?" PJ says coming on the bus "oh yeah but not for the show I am talking about " he mumbles under his breath.

I let out a squeak pulling my head back blinking, "ummmm B, you might want to detach your hands from my ass she mumbles as PJ backs off the bus shaking his head laughing. B goes to lower his head"nope, I am good right here Darlin"
  "B" I say pinching him ."OW! What 'd you go and do that for?"
"Cause you have a show to do which means you have to move your hands off my ass and walk off this bus. Besides you can take it up later."
   Smirks as he gets a tighter group on my ass standing up making me laugh as I wrap my arms around his neck. Gives me a wink,"gonna hold you to that baby girl"
  I wink back," you do that Boss until then its time to go before you get us both in trouble"
"Finnnnnnnneeee......"he huffs walking down the bus steps and sitting me on my feet as he holds out a hand,"But what if I wanna be a bad boy?"
   Taking his hand , "on that note you haven't changed one damn bit " I say leaning up and kissing his cheek.

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