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Brantley POV

     It has been good being home on this break. We were able to get Sissie moved and settled in and she has been working on her classroom getting it set up. I have to head back out on tour in a couple of days and she will be starting back to work, so she isn't able to go with me. I am gonna miss her something fierce. I guess this will be the first test to see how we both are going to handle the separation. Today while she is working in her classroom, I am headed over to help Eli with a problem on his bike.

   Pulling into the driveway I see Tinsley running around in one of her princess dresses I bought her for her birthday. She stops when she sees my truck and waits for me to park before she comes running. I scoop her up and tickle her. Her sweet laugh is music to my ears. "Stop Uncle pwease"  I stop and she leans over kissing me, making my heart happy. There was a time when I wasn't allowed to see her or Cam because Eli and Ash felt likeTinsley is looking around me and I ask her" What are you looking for Princess?"

"Well Uncle B I am looking for Aunt Sissie. She is always with you."Tinsley states matter of fact.

"Well Princess Aunt Sissie is at school working . She had several meetings today."

"Will Aunt Sissie be at my school?"

"No Princess she will be at the high school, the one where you go to watch football games on Friday night"

"Okay but she knows that I am gonna be in big school this year right? Cause I might need her, Mama said I will like big school but I's not so sure Uncle B" she says with a little quiver in her voice.

"What is going on? I thought you liked going to school and being with your friends. What makes you think that you won't like it?"

"Wells Cam says that there will be lots of big boys and girls and at my other school there was just littles like me. What if they are mean to me and make me cry? you think Aunt Sissie would come get on to them so I won'ts have to cry" She tells me.

"well Princess Cam is right there will be big kids at your new school but you will have Cam with you. and let me tell you a secret, Cam may fight with you and stuff at home but when it comes to school I promise you he won't let anyone hurt you. If someone makes you cry just tell Cam and he will take care of it . Also if your Uncle B needs to come to school and whoop some punk who thinks it is gonna be alright to make my Princess cry they will get to see the Beast." I said growling the last part making her break out in giggles. Eli looked at me over her head and gave me that look, like I am not dealing with this well.

Ashley comes out on the porch telling me hi and then she tells Tinsley that it was time for her to let her daddy and me get to work. Tinsley gave me a kiss and a hug, "Thanks Uncle B" As I set her down and she took off Eli asked" How did you get on that subject. But thanks B she had done a 180 on us this last week about going to school. Last night she even went as far as stomping her foot at Ashley telling her she wasn't going and she couldn't make her. "

"Oh me Tins is nothing if not stubborn and sassy. let me guess Ashley spanked her little butt and put her to bed"

"no actually she didn't which surprised me. Ashley set her down and asked her why and Tins clammed up tight. Wouldn't say a word. So Ashley put her to bed and then cried when she told me about it. Man I don't know if I am going to survive my baby growing up" Eli said as we walked to the shop to start working on his bike.

"Well I know one thing, you won't be the only one who will have trouble. She has me wrapped around her finger and she knows it. "I say laughing.

"Changing subjects how do you think its gonna work with this next part of tour with Sissie starting school?"

"Well I like to think things are gonna be fine but it is still new. I can't believe I have her back after all these years. I keep waiting for the shoe to drop, for it all to be ripped away. I love her Eli and the truth is I never stopped. I would do anything for her, kill, steal lie, whatever needed to be done to make sure she is happy and had everything she needed. She trusts me even after everything we have been through she trusts me. If I were to lose her trust then you might as well start digging my grave. She isn't the center of my world she is my WORLD. Everything I am today is because of her, when she walked out on the deck with her vest on, she could have asked for anything and I would have given it to her or died trying. I know that we still have a long way to go but I am willing to put in the work. That woman loves me, all of me, every scar and flaw. it is time that I prove to her that I love her that way to. "

"Sounds like you know what you want, so when do you plan on sealing the deal?"

"when I get off tour I want to take her away for a couple days, hopefully then I can placet a ring on her hand, then. I would love to place that collar around her neck but it is still a little soon for that. She needs to be more secure in her submissive nature. She is still learning, exploring and I am not going to rush her. I am here for the long haul, however long it takes."

"Sounds like you have it all figured out brother and I am glad because if there were ever two people meant to be together it is you and Sissie. "

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