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Sissie POV
    As he carries me to the bedroom I can't help but run my hands over his shoulders and upper arms, I feel his erection pressed against my center and I want more contact. As I lean to kiss his chest tracing his muscles with my tongue he growls making my already wet pussy flood. My reaction makes him chuckle and he whispers in my ear,"Oh that is nothing darlin, I haven't even gotten started"
  He lays me down on the bed and looks at me,"Sissie before I pull anything out to play with, are you sure?"
I don't know why or how but I know that this moment and how I answer will change the rest of my life and the only answer I have ," Yes Sir"
Those two words and his eyes go dark green and the look that he gives me can only be described as primal, he pulls me to him and kisses me hard, all teeth and tongue stroking every inch of my mouth. There was no fighting for dominance because from the moment his lips touched mine I knew who was in control and it felt good to submit, to just feel and enjoy.
"Okay then strip off that Tshirt and lay down on the bed, I will be right back" he tells me turning as he walks to the dresser, opening the drawer. I watch the muscles play on his back as he moves and I hear," Now Sissie"
I quickly strip his tshirt off and lay on the bed like he said, just waiting.
He turns back around looks at me with a dark smirk and says in a gravelly voice "Good girl".
"God B you pulled out the big guns with that voice" I whimper.
"Oh sweetheart you just don't know"
My breath hitches as he stalks toward me like an animal stalking his prey, with one intent in mind , to devour it. I vaguely remember seeing this look when we were younger but the way his body has filled out and his muscles rippling, I couldn't deny him anything. My breath stopped when he slowly placed one knee on the bed and crooked a long finger at me.
I sit up without question or thought moving to sit in front of him on the bed. He pulls out this black silk blindfold and placed it over my eyes, tying it behind me. "You good with this?"
"Yes Sir"
I can't see anything but black but I can feel his presence,I feel excited but calm at the same time. I feel the heat of his body move away it I don't move, I sit waiting for whatever he has planned.
   I hear the clink of metal and I know that sound from when we were teenagers, he has the handcuffs, my body quivers as I remember what he could then. The bed dips behind me and I feel his large calloused hand slide up my arm and over my shoulder moving my hair away from my neck as he places wet kisses below my ear. "Are you okay darlin?"  I nod my head because I don't think I can speak with the heat of his body inches away from mine. "Sissie words, only way this works is if you use your words. When I ask if you are okay or good you have to be vocal and tell me"
"Yes Sir" I whisper because it was all I could get out. He's tracing my spine and the chills it brings me but at the same time sets me on fire.
"Hands " is all he says as he kisses down my neck before biting down and pulling with his teeth, eliciting a moan from me. As he pulls me back against him, he takes my hand and slips a cuff on first one wrist then the other and he tells me," go ahead test them, pull make sure it's comfortable" As I pull I realize these are different than before , these don't cut into my skin. I am focused on the cuffs and gasp as one hand slides to my breast pinching my nipple and the other cups my sex. My head falls back on his shoulder and my legs open wider on their own accord and I hear him chuckle, "eager baby? That's tough cause it's gonna be a long night" as he slides a finger through my wet folds ."Oh so wet already " he growls as he pinches my swollen nub causing a screaming orgasm to come out of nowhere . The whole time he is in my ear talking and telling me everything he plans to do to me tonight and all I can do is ride it out, as he never stops touching me and squeezing my nub. As I pant trying to catch my breath he eases me down on my back . I can hear him moving around and then I feel a kiss on my instep of my foot. He leaves a trail of wet kisses up my right leg and stops at the juncture of my hip. Then I feel him on my left foot and he does the same trail of wet kisses but this time he doesn't stop at my hip he continues on to my dripping wet core and dives in lapping and licking every drop of juice. "Darlin you are the sweetest tasting thing on this earth" he growls. Then he circles my clit with his tongue as then takes it in his teeth biting "OH GOD" I scream arching off the bed caught by the cuffs stopping me. Chuckles ," I'm pretty sure God would take offense to you calling me by his name darlin" He continues his onslaught wringing out 4 more orgasms. I am drenched in sweat but feel so good.
As I lay in the glow of the last one, I am flipped over on my stomach, and he reaches down and pulls my ass up in the air. "Are you good?" "Yes Sir" He spreads my legs wider with his thighs and runs his rock hard dick between my wet folds . Whimpering I push back against him as much as the cuffs will allow. He pauses at my entrance teasing me and then he pulls back and slams balls deep in one thrust and I arch my back spreading my legs even wider as his hard throbbing dick pulsates inside of me. With his hands on my hips he pumps in and out getting stronger and harder with each thrust and I start to quiver when I hear," No don't you dare cum yet. This time you are gonna cum with me, when I shoot my cum in you" I grit my teeth and clamp down with my muscles trying my hardest not to cum as he reaches around with his hand and pinches my clit and growls in my ear," Now Sissie cum NOW" and my back arches as I pull on the handcuffs feeling his hot ropes of cum shoot inside me hitting my womb "FUCK" I scream as the all consuming orgasm takes over my entire body. B releases a guttural sound as he continues to pump into my body slowing down. He places kisses on my back and shoulder and kisses my mouth softly asking ," Princess you okay ?" Smiling and exhausted I manage to get out,"Yes Sir"
B undoes the cuff and removes the blindfold and brings me to his chest while rubbing my back placing a kiss on my forehead,"sleep princess"

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