Communication and Limits

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Sissie POV

I am sitting on the bus waiting for B to finish up the meet and greets. Since B's revelation I have been reading and researching, asking questions. He has been very patient with me, answering me without making me feel stupid because I don't know something or I don't understand something. I have realized that him being a Dominant carries over into all aspects of his life, it always has. Looking back I can see it when we were together only he didn't know it then.
B walks onto the bus and tells PJ that he will see him in the morning, says something to Earl and closes the privacy door before making his way to me. He leans down and kisses me and says," Princess I am gonna get a shower and then I think you and I need to talk."
I look up at him and my throat goes dry," Okay B but about what?"
"We need to talk about what you have learned these past few weeks and if you want to take it further. We have to sit down and have a long detailed talk. I need to know where you are and what you want to do."
"Okay then outlaw I suggest you go get your shower"
My mind is racing and I am not sure what to expect. I know from our talks and my questions that this talk will be raw, and we both will be vunerable. He is ready to put it all on the table and if I am honest I am too. I have found out a lot about myself that I didn't know when I stripped away what I thought people wanted me to be and listened to myself. I have learned that the Dom/sub dynamic is built on trust, communication, respect, and honesty.
    B comes back up front and he sits across from me. "First off I need you to promise you will be honest and open. If something we talk about bothers you say it, if there is something you want ask for it. Now after doing your research and asking questions, how do you feel about the Dom/sub dynamic and having it be a part of our relationship ?"
   " I think that it is something I can relate to, honestly I think it was something that we both have inside of us but when we were younger didn't really know what it was. After the questions and answers and the soul searching, I can honestly say that I am submissive and that I was born that way but fought it."
   "So since you have that figured out now and want to go forward we need to talk limits. What your hard limits are, what mine are and what we can both agree on"
Biting my lip I am a little worried cause I'm not sure that I am ready for this, "well we know that you spank me already that has been there since the get go but ..."
"You aren't sure how much more of that you can do, am I right princess?"
"Yeah " I whisper.
"Well let me just put your mind at ease, I am not into caning or whips. I do like using different floggers for sensation but you always have total control and can safeword at any time if that is something you agree too. Past spanking and floggers I am not into it. Those are hard limits for me."
I breathe a sigh of relief and smile," I trust you B so I am okay with that. I just knew I wasn't gonna be into the caning or humiliation"
"Sissie, I love you and I never want to humiliate you, that doesn't do anything for me. I want to build you up and make you see how beautiful and wonderful you are and that I am one damn lucky man that you have given me another chance. To me that is my duty as your Dominant to make sure you are confident in yourself but at the same time you can come to me and know that I am your home, your refuge from everything bad in the world"
" I know that B, you have always been that for me. But I want you to feel that you can come to me and find peace and comfort when the stress of your image gets to be to much. That I am your home your refuge."
Smiling he pulls me into his lap, " that you are baby. Now we need to talk punishments for breaking rules and that sassy mouth you have and not doing what I say"
"This is not gonna be good is it?" I ask
"Depends on your behavior darlin. Can you agree to spanking, taking your IPad away and no reading for a specified time, changing the Netflix password, orgasm denial, and forced orgasm, and other things that I see fit depending on the crime?" He rattled off.
"Well who gets to choose I mean you certainly can't be sole judge. Cause you would be doing it all the time."
Laughing, "that mouth is gonna be your downfall little girl. But let's say I give you a warning and if you keep on then you will be punished with whatever I feel is necessary to get your attention so you won't do it again. Like when you got a spanking for not wearing a bra in public. You knew how I felt and did it any way. Willful disobedience is worse and you know that. I also would like for you to not wear underwear ever. "
"No I will not agree to the underwear because I am not going to work in a high school not wearing underwear. How about you pick them out for me?" I counter
"Okay and if we aren't together then you have to send me a picture of you in them for my approval." He counters back.
"Okay now one for me, you cannot be having girls on this bus if I am not here with you. I'm not talking family , I am talking the ones the guys bring on. I don't want to be at work and be hit with rumors. I know you and that they won't be true but let us just head it off before it happens."
"Okay baby I have no problem with that at all. I will inform the guys that they have to go to their bus if they want a girl with them. Anything else baby?"
"No not right now. What about you?" I look at him .
"No I think this is enough for now. As we move into the Dom/sub dynamic more then we can revisit this. Anytime you want to change something or add something we will talk about it. Open honest completely transparent communication and trust."
As B holds me and is watching TV catching up on baseball scores, I think how I feel. For once in my life my mind is quiet. I am not stressing over little trivial decisions and if I have made the right one. The panic I usually feel is not there. I have a peace and calm , admitting my own nature has given me that. I have fought to be independent and strong when all the time I needed someone to lean on, come home to and know that without any doubt he will make the decisions that are best for me and us. Being submissive makes me feel happy and content and finally at peace with myself.

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