Funeral Home

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Brantley POV

As we go out the door I ask her,"want to just take my truck?"

"Sure that sounds good I don't really know how I am going to react and if I will be able to drive. I just saw him a few days ago. "

"Deke told me that he had left my show and then went to spend a few days with you. I guess this may sound selfish but I am glad we had that time. I am gonna miss him." I tell her.

"Yeah he told me how good the show was and how yall had a great time and then the ride to Florida you had taken. You meant a lot to him Brantley . Daddy saw you as the son he never had. Was so damn proud of you and how you made it in music and how you had gotten sober. "

"Sissie that man meant the world to me. He was my brother, my friend and someone I trusted with my life. When I got the call I thought I had to be in a nightmare. I had hoped I would wake up and it be over. I'm so sorry that you are having to go through this Darlin."

" Brantley I know that I did not exactly welcome you but I will say that I am so thankful you were the one to come tell me. I guess the way I have left things with the MC they probably didn't want to take a chance that I would have a crow bar handy"

I laugh ," no that was me I told them you hated my fucking guts or did they not remember the last time I say you that you had just swung at my head with a crow bar?"

"If I am honest Brantley I don't know how I am going to do this. My daddy was my whole world ."

"We are all here for you Sissie, the MC loves you and will always be there for you"

We pull into the funeral home parking lot and there is the guys waiting on their bikes. I hop out and run around to open the door for Sissie . She gets out and you can see she is almost angry. Deke steps forward and opens his arms and I'll be damned but Sissie went running into them and was crying and hanging on to him for dear life.

Sissie looks up and says," I missed yall so damn much and I am so sorry I didn't come back sooner."

Deke hugs her," you are here now and we just wanted to be here so you know you aren't alone"
He pulls back and nods at me over her head and I step but hear her say,"no"
Deke cuts her off and says," No ma'am you do not need to be alone with this. Let him be there for you."

She whispers thinking I can't hear "I know Deke but I don't know if I can do this with him. Its so damn hard"

Deke squeezes her shoulders and smiles softly ,"honey anything worth really having, is never easy. Forget the mistakes of the boy and take the time and get to know the man a little. He's been through a lot"

Sissie looks at him "now you sound like daddy , his been telling me that for a couple years now "

"Well Darlin the man knew what he was talking about"

Sissie nods at Deke takes a deep breath and takes a step toward the door pauses and holds out her hand to me with a soft smile.

I take her hand and as we are walking I tell her," you did good back there baby girl but I am right here and I have big shoulders so you can lean on them. She bites her lip to fight back the tears I see in her eyes nodding her head as she walks inside. I whisper in her ear," whether you want or need me Darlin I'm right here."

The door closes behind us and the director comes out and says" I have been expecting you Karissa, you may not remember me but we went to school together I'm Dalton Jones. I am handling your fathers service. He had it all planned out and paid for and all you need to do is set the times, the wake can be held tonight or tomorrow night and then the service the following day. "

"Tonight" she whispers quietly "the sooner we can get this done the better" I point to a coffin and say "he would like that one wouldn't he ? Its so him."

Dalton said,"well that isn't what he picked out "

"Why don't you show us what he picked out and let her decide if that is what she wants because it is her father we are talking about." I said glaring at him.

He took us to where the whole line of caskets were and pointed out a plain grey casket. Sissie shook her head," no that isn't him,Brantley is right the black one is the one I want it is him not this grey one."

"Well I hate to say this but it cost quite a bit more than the one he had picked out and I would have to order it so it wouldn't be here till tomorrow." Dalton told her.
She snapped and said," he's got as much right as I do so listen to him "
I spoke up," order it because that is the one that suits Casey and its what Sissie wants so do it and we will have the wake tomorrow night. It gives time for out of town family to get here."

"Well I can't order it until I have payment and it is several thousand dollars more." he said looking down his nose at me or I guess I should say up at me.

I pulled out my checkbook and said," how much?"

"Well it is $5000.00 more " he said.

I wrote the check and handed it to him and he took it and said ," I just have to verify the funds"

Sissie laughed," jackass he has more money than you can imagine and if you went to school with me you should have known that. Now while you verify the funds why don't you take me to my dad so I can see him"

"Sissie honey you need to calm down "
" I just want to get this done and put it behind me B"

We walk behind him with my arm around her shoulders and I know she is trying to be strong but I know this is gonna be so damn hard on her.

We walk into the room and they have Casey laying on a table with a sheet over him and as soon as Sissie sees him she loses it and clings to Casey "daddy I love you so much , I am so sorry for all the time we lost, why did I leave you for so long . How do i do this daddy how can I live without you making sure my car in running good or telling me all about the things you and the guys are doing the charity rides the helping other veterans. If I had only known I would have hugged you longer when we said goodbye." I put my arm around her and she turns into my chest crying huge body wracking sobs. "Why did I leave and cut him out B I don't know how I am gonna make it without me. I saw him every other week he came down and stayed with me " I just held her until she cried it all out and her sobs quieted.
"Sissie I meant what I said i am here for you whether you want me to be or not and the MC is too. Its time for you to come home. "

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