Moving Home

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Brantley POV

As I load the last box into my truck and shut the tailgate Sissie comes out of the house. I watch as she stops and looks at the house she has lived in since becoming a teacher. I know moving to Jefferson is hard for her. She misses Casey something fierce, we all do. He left a big hole in a lot of our lives. I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist pulling her up against me. She looks up and smiles and I see the unshed tears, this about breaks me. "Baby it is gonna be alright. As soon as the year is up we can move you back if that is what you want . I promise."
"No B, I won't ever come back here to live. I am going home for good. It's just I wish I had done it sooner, so daddy could be there and see it and welcome me home."
"Oh baby I know and it's okay to feel that way but you know what he would tell you to not look back with regrets but to focus on the path in front of you."
   " I know he would B, I just can't help it cause I wasted a lot of time with my family that I can never get back. But if not for his will then I probably wouldn't be going back to live. He always knew what I needed even if I couldn't see it at the time."
   Pulling her into my arms I place a kiss on her forehead, " well just a reminder sweetheart you aren't alone with the regrets. But I plan on living from here on out not looking back but looking forward to a future with you."
  Sissie pulls back and smiles before turning to go get in the truck. I open her door and help her in and before I close it she places a hand on my face and I stop and look at her and in her eyes I get lost in the love she has for me shining through. As I bring my hand up to capture hers I kiss her palm and just savor the sweet moment of having my girl in my truck and knowing I am about to take her home for good.

As we reach Jefferson the guys meet us on their bikes t.o give the Princess an escort back home. I know that this is gonna be hard for her, living in the house she grew up in without Casey. But I have no doubt she is strong enough to do it. I look over and see her eyes shining bright with tears but she has a smile on her face. I raise her hand to my lips and I kiss her fingers. Sissie smiles, "I never expected this B but I am so glad they came to welcome me home."

"Darlin, they are as happy to have you home as I am. You have been missed by so many people. You will probably have to run them off if you want any peace." I tell her. She laughs and it is music to my ears. I pull my truck into the driveway and she hops out hugging everyone and then in true MC Princess fashion she starts bossing them all around telling them where to put her boxes in the house. Deke comes by and claps me on the shoulder and smiles,"BG we finally got the Princess home, but the question is, will she stay?"

"Man I am gonna do my damndest to make sure she stays. I plan on making her so happy that she never leaves again. Deke if I lost her again , you might as well bury me right next to her daddy cause I won't survive it. You know I almost didn't survive it the last time. "

"I know brother and I think that this is exactly what Casey had in mind to happen when he put those stipulations in his will. He knew that y'all were meant to be together and I have a feeling that he is sitting up there looking down on all that he has done and laughing his ass off"Deke tells me. Just then Sissie comes out on the porch with her hands on her hips and yells,"Brantley Keith if you think for one minute you are getting out of unpacking these boxes you have another thing coming"

I raise my eyebrow at her and as she is glaring at me I respond," Sissie you need to settle woman. Cause you know exactly what that mouth will get you, a red ass"

"Yeah well these boxes ain't gonna unpack themselves now are they?"she sasses back. Deke laughs, "oh this is gonna be more fun than when y'all were 16"

I head toward the porch and as I get there Sissie turns to go back inside and smack her ass causing her to jump and growl in her ear, " woman don't test me cause it has been a while since I have been out to play." She grins and winks at me before she goes through the door. I follow her inside and she starts bossing us all around to moving furniture and boxes. After several hours of moving things around Sissie is finally happy and sends everyone else on their way, telling them she would see them at the club tomorrow night.

I ask her if she wants some time to unpack her clothes, and she said she did. Sissie needs some time here alone and I know that, its gonna be hard for her. I kiss her head and tell her,"You need be at my house at 7:00pm" She looks up at me with wide eyes and asks,"Do I need to pack a bag for overnight?" "

"That is totally up to you but if you don't want to be wearing those clothes tomorrow then I would say yes" I tell her. She nods before getting up and walking me to the door. I pull her close and lean down my lips inches away from hers, just hovering, waiting and then I take possession of her lips letting my tongue explore every inch of her mouth. She moans low in her throat and I grin as I pull back. "Seven , don't be late" I say turning and walking out to my truck.

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