Goodbyes are hard...

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Sissie POV

   Today is the day. The day that I have dreaded for weeks, even months. B leaves today to finish up the last part of his tour. We have been together pretty much 24/7 since I walked into the office at school to see him standing there waiting on me. I never thought I would have such a problem but it honestly feels like my heart is being ripped from my chest. I took off from work today because I knew I would be a basket case. I'm trying to stay strong for B so it doesn't make him feel bad but he knows. I can see it in his eyes and I see the hurt there. The hurt that something he is doing is causing me pain. Pain I can't control so I feel it all, everything. He told me it was okay to feel whatever but I hate that I am hurting him this way. I am so proud of him and that I get to call him mine, the last thing I ever want is to cause him pain.
   We spent the last few days together at his house as much as possible. I had to share him with family because they love and miss him too when he is gone. That man doesn't have a clue how much he is loved by everyone. He is the anchor for so many of us. He would laugh if I said that out loud, telling me I was crazy but it is true.
I roll over just watching him sleep, I could do this all day. He is so adorable when he is asleep. I see the tattoos on his back and I slowly start to trace them. It's my favorite way to wake him up.
I hear a rough growl, "baby you keep that up and we will have a repeat of last night"
He turns his head and looks at me and that is all it takes for me,"maybe I need a repeat of last night"
He smirks and traces down my cheek to my collar bone with a finger and stops at a bite he left on the swell of my breast, he leans over and placed a small kiss on it before running his hand down my body and to my thighs where he looks at the bruises he left from holding them open after I told him I couldn't handle another orgasm. "Wish I could say I was sorry about them but I'm not. I enjoyed making you scream  Daddy all night"
I smile at him, running my hands over his chest looking at the teeth marks I had left on him. He makes me crazy and I can't control myself, "I'm not sorry that they are there because I loved every minute of it. You make me feel so loved and cherished and worshipped when you do all that you do"
"That's the whole point that you are completely satisfied, loved and cherished. Cause baby I love you, I can't live without you. You are as vital to me as the air I breathe. Your happiness is what I live for."
  I look at the time and he pulls me close,"lay right here for 5 more minutes and let me hold you. I promise Sissie I am coming home to you. I promise that you are it for me, no one else. EVER."
  When he says that I begin to cry and he holds me and wipes away my tears with his calloused thumb. "Shhh baby I'm here"
" I know I promised not to cry but I can't help it B, I love you and like you said you have become so much a vital part of my life that I feel like my heart is being ripped in two pieces."
   The alarm goes off and we both move to get up and that is when it hit means I let out a moan. I feel the after effects of last night. My legs are weak and I can tell that I have been thoroughly fucked. As I stand up and start to walk B laughs, "maybe by the time I get back you will be able to walk normal"
I flip him off as I head into the bathroom and turn on the water in the shower. I stand and brush my teeth and I look at myself in the mirror. I have love bites all over from my collar bone down. Bruises on my thighs and teeth marks too. As I turn around B comes in and props against the doorframe with his arms crossed and that sexy smirk that drives me crazy, "those handprints and teeth marks on your ass will remind you who it belongs to, besides I know you loved it. How many times did you cum from me spanking you?"
I look over my shoulder and he's right I have handprints on both ass cheeks.
We quickly shower and go downstairs for food knowing the bus will be here soon. Everyone else said their goodbyes yesterday at the cookout we had. Since this was gonna be our first time saying goodbye, we decided it would be best if we did it in private.
  As we are eating, the bus pulls in and I feel like I am about to be sick. I promised myself I wouldn't cry and I'm not going to. I can be strong for him, at least until they pull out of the driveway.
  He stands up and grabs my hand pulling me along with him. His bags are by the front door and PJ comes in to get them to load them giving us a few more minutes. B pulls me close and cups my face leaning in caressing my lips and mouth, exploring every surface like he is tryin to memorize it. I fist my hands in his shirt pulling him closer as I climb up him. He cups my ass with one hand and holds me close. As the kiss comes to an end I pull back and in his eyes I see nothing but love shining back at me. I know without a doubt this man loves me with everything he has.  He sets me down and kisses my forehead, "I will call you later baby okay." I nod my head afraid to say anything just yet. We walk outside to the bus and he gives me one more kiss and says, "I love you Sissie"
"I love you B" I take a step back as he walks up the bus steps biting my lip to keep from crying. He turns around and smirks blowing me a kiss before the doors close. I stand in the driveway waving until I couldn't see the bus any more. As I head back inside my phone buzzes but I ignore it. I am not up to dealing with anyone today. Today is for me to cry and get it out because my heart just left. I will deal with them all tomorrow.

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