You Were Always Mine

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As B carries me to his bus he walks by PJ and Ben and he flips them off as they are high fiving each other. He almost drops me as I slide my hand between us reaching for the button on his jeans."Dammit Sissie" he hisses out between clenched teeth.
"Yes B ?" I whisper innocently
"If you want us to make it to the bus keep your hands on my shoulders otherwise , I will take you right here, right now on the closest surface I can find and the hell with whoever is around" he growls out.
"Fine" I growl out before leaning down and biting his bottom lip."I would prefer not to give everyone a show, but you might want to walk a little faster there cowboy , I need you so bad it hurts"
" You ain't the only one who needs it darlin I can think of little else but having my cock inside you every damn time I see you"
"Fuck" I whisper as he looks around and pushes me into the side of Jason's bus, grinding his hips into mine. "Feel that hmmmmm..." he growls leaning forward and biting my neck as he presses his cock into me and grinds his hips into mine,"that is all for you darlin.When I am done with you , I can promise you will feel me every step you take"
A whine comes from my throat when he says that and I dig my fingernails into his arms , he just presses me up against the bus harder, sucking and biting my neck and all I can do is pant,"Bus , now"
"What if I want to drag out the anticipation baby? " I murmur into her neck laughing darkly as my fingers work the edge of her cutoffs, feeling nothing but bare skin.
I grind down on his hard cock and spots flash in my eyes as I almost orgasm from it, making him gasp ...."I've got 11 years of anticipation cowboy. I don't need anymore. So like I said....bus now" I growl.
"Yes ma'am cause you know I aim to please"


I turn and stride to the bus, punching in the code with shaking fingers, hoping Sissie doesn't see . Lord, please don't let me screw this up. I want her so damn bad, missed her more than I care to admit to anyone mainly myself. I need her to breathe, so please don't let me mess this up. Sissie grinds down squeezing me with her legs causing my knees to buckle and I brace one arm on the bus,"fuck" I whimper gathering my composure stalking up the steps . I lock the door and pause in the middle to unhook her legs pressing her body against mine as I set her on her feet making her whimper. My mouth drops open in shock when she turns the tables on me pushing me down in my chair.
"Well what do we have here Sissie ? I thought you said you wanted me, needed me so bad it hurt?"
"Oh I do ," she whispers leaning over to tug my earlobe between her teeth then leaning down kissing the side of my neck making my pulse jump.She yelps when I yank her down into my lap grinding against her hard. "I don't know how much more patient I can be darlin, before I rip your clothes off and fuck you until you can't feel anything but me"
"Then don't be patient, do your best outlaw"
"Well then,"I say with a smirk grasping the edges of her shirt yanking it over her head tossing it to the side. I lean forward sinking my teeth into a lace covered nipple as Sissie digs her nails into my shoulders arching her back giving me more. Moaning,"Beeeuuuhhh" I smirk as I sink my teeth into the other one and grant her ass with my hands rubbing her up and down on my jeans encased hard cock.
"Wearing to many clothes " Sissie murmurs sliding her hands down to grip the bottom of my T-shirt tugging it off and I lose focus when she leans forward to trace her tongue over the tattoo on my chest.
"Mmmmmm, you taste so damn good B, I love the ink" as she rubs her hands over my chest moving down to the button on my jeans popping it open.
I slowly tease her as I move my hands around popping the strap of her bra open sliding it down her arms as I bury my face in her cleavage sucking hard , not giving a fuck if I marked her. Even better if I did, I meant it when I said she was all mine and I was just about to show her what I meant and if she needed to be reminded every day I would. She pulls my zipper down and slips her hand inside my jeans circling my dick, and whispers in my ear,"you didn't lie when you said you wear noooootttthhhhiiiiinn" and hearing that come from her lips made me so hard I hurt. I pushed up to standing gripping her ass tight stalking to the back . I tossed her on the bed before taking my hat and throwing it to the side and kicking my boots off . I chuckled at her popping the button on her shorts as I reached down to stop her."No way Sissie I have been aching to do that so no ma'am are you gonna take that away from me."
Her eyes lit up and she moved her hand away and leaned back,"Im all yours and only yours now hurry your ass up cause I need you"
"Well yes ma'am " I growl slipping her shoes off and sliding my hands up her smooth tan legs rubbing the heel of my hand over her center feeling how hot she was , pressing down slightly to make her moan. I unbutton her shorts and slide her zipper down and pull them off . My breath stopped as I look at her, laying on my bed naked . "God baby you are more beautiful than I remember, my memories and dreams don't hold a candle to real life" I whisper as I look at her. She is biting her lip, and my eyes meet hers. I pick her up sliding her up the bed before I dive face first into her soaking wet pussy. I lick both sides and laugh as Sissie moans. I take my time lick swirl and nipping until she is thrashing around with the sheets fisted in her hands muttering gibberish and then I pull her engorged nub into my mouth sucking hard and biting and she cums hard screaming my name. I chuckle and meet her eyes. She grabs me and kisses me hard all teeth and tongue and moans," I love tasting myself on you " That was all I needed and I flipped her over pulling her ass up and pushing her shoulders down before thrusting into her hard and the moment I am balls deep she arches her back and her pussy clamps down on my cock and she cums. I grit my teeth to keep from losing it quickly. When she relaxes I rub my hands up her back and back down grabbing her hips as I long stroke her slowly wringing out another orgasm out of her sweet little body. I pull out and she looks at me as I flip her over questioning ..."baby when I cum inside your sweet pussy I want you looking me in the eyes and make sure you know who you belong to cause make no mistake that pussy is mine from this point on you hear me?"
"Yes I hear you B"
"Good now find something to hold onto baby"
I slide in wrapping her right leg around me as I lift her left leg over my shoulder placing a kiss behind her knee causing her to moan as I slide into her wet heat. I still just taking in the feel of her and being able to look into her eyes. I begin to move and she meet me thrusting. "Fuck" she grits and I feel she is about to cum so I begin to pound hard as she digs her nails in my backhand she screams my name as she cums hard and long raking her nails down my back i keep pounding and growl,"you ....are....mine..." as I shoot hot ropes of cum inside her collapsing on top of her . Sissie smiles at me and kisses me "I love you B , truth is i never really stopped being yours"
I pull her over on top of me and kiss her forehead,"I love you and I never stopped being yours princess"
She rests her head on my chest and I drift off to sleep easier than I have in 11 years.

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