Going Home

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Sissie POV

We walk off stage and B stops and says to Jeff , "I am not doing meet and greets tonight. So do whatever you have to do, give them whatever you want, vouchers to next concert with VIP and meet and greets I don't give a shit what you do but I refuse to spend one minute apart from Sissie now that she is here."
  Jeff smiles, " Already taken care of Boss , they understood when it was explained what had happened and that you were sick too. So get on your bus and hold your woman."
   B pulls me tighter and I hiss a little and that earned me a growl and next thing I know B has picked me up and is carrying me. I hear a giggle behind me and I look over B's shoulder at Bella and wink "see I told you cave man " 
  "Oh girl , I totally understand. Daddy here thinks he has to do that all the time" Bella says pointing at Joe .  Joe smacks her on the ass as he growls, " I have to woman to keep you out of trouble most of the time."
"Me trouble? What kind of trouble do I get into ?" Bella asks . Joe opens his mouth and Bella said, "never mind don't answer that Daddy I will be good"
B laughs, " Spitfire you can't be good it isn't in your DNA"
"Sissie don't you listen to these two caveman . They will have you believing stuff that ain't true." Bella says
Sissie winks, " I hear you . He likes telling stories on me too"
BG laughs when Joe asks, " what is the story behind the crowbar I have been told to ask about?"
Sissie eyes PJ , " you can't keep your mouth closed about that can you? It was one time and a girl can't live it down. Let's just say depends on whose telling the story if it is one of my best or worst moments."
Joe laughs, " well I want to hear it but doesn't look like it is gonna be tonight , sorry to cut this short but duty calls " as he looks at his phone. BG puts Sissie down and hugs Bella and turns to Joe who holds out his hand to shake and BG pulls him in for a hug and tells him, " Joe there is no way to thank you, no words to tell you what you did for me tonight, Sissie well she's my everything always has been always will be. To think... to think I almost lost her tonight ...."
Joe pulls back, looks over at Bella, " I get it BG , I get it. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for Bella. No hell I wouldn't go through to get to her. I'm glad I was able to help man. Anytime you know that."
I hug Bella and then Joe and tell them, " When you get home we will have to get together for a meal, and hang out. Least I can do for you coming to rescue me."
We say goodbye and PJ is taking them to the airport . Brantley and I get on his bus and he heads to the back to get a shower. I fix me something to drink and settle into his chair while I wait for him. He comes out wearing a pair of low slung sweatpants and grabs a bottle of water before coming to his chair and settling me in his lap.
"Karissa June why in the devil did you get on a plane and head to Colorado for this concert?" He says a little testy .
"Don't get huffy with me Brantley Keith , I can ask you why in the devil did you not tell me that you have bronchitis if not pneumonia?" I say right back to him.
"Sissie do you not get it? Because of our connection I could feel something happening to you. I just about cancelled this show because I couldn't reach you. Then to see you..." he leans down and kisses my forehead "at the edge of the stage hurt and bruised . And when I realized it was from a plane crash, baby it was all I could do not to quit right then. You are my world Sissie. You always have been and you always will be. I appreciate that you were coming but baby I can't lose you . Not now not ever. I meant it when I said you were mine and I would die without you ."
" Dont you get it ? I came because my chest hurt and I couldn't breathe. I knew deep inside me that something was wrong with you , I could feel your pain Brantley Keith!! I got on that plane cause I know that you needed me. I'm sorry I scared you cause I scared myself but it also made me realize that I am so sorry that I stayed away for so long. I am so sorry that we lost so much time together because of my stubbornness. I love you and I always have and I will through all eternity. You are my heart and my soul and it hurt me thinking  that you would only have a message left of me. I left you a message telling you that you  couldn't  give up, that I expected you to keep fighting the devil cause he never sleeps. Keep writing and keep telling your story for the world to see and hear. You have that gift and please don't stop cause it would be such a waste and that would hurt me more than anything you have ever done. These last 4 months have been the very best. You, my love, have made me into something I never thought would happen, and that is a woman who loves without question the man I see in you. I see all the wonders through your eyes and I was coming to you because I felt in my soul something was wrong with you, that you needed me. My chest hurt like never before and I knew my place was with you. My place has always been with you, and throughout all eternity is where I will be , by your side. I love you B!"
"Oh Sissie, baby I love you and it was my fault that you left. I am so sorry that I pushed you away with my drinking. I have never been so glad to see you and so scared at the same time. It flashed through my mind how I wouldn't make it without you and how I knew I would have to at the same time. You are what is good and pure and light in this world. You are my world and and I promise you I will do my very best to live up to the faith you have in me. To be the man that you always thought I could be. I changed my life because you were all I could think about. All these years, you were always on my mind, knowing that I never deserved you . Sissie you have owned my heart from the moment I saw you, now you own my body and my soul, forever" he says as the tears roll down his face, not bothering to wipe them away. I reach up and kiss tasting the salt feeling the scruff of his beard and knowing this man would forever be mine.

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