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Sissie POV

   Brantley pays for our breakfast and as I make my way to his truck with him leading the way I can't help but look at him. He has filled out a lot since I left. Muscles replace the skinny arms he once had and his chest and back muscles flex with every movement,  Luce was right when she said he wasn't a scrawny kid anymore but a grown ass man. I am looking at his ass wondering if that has filled out as well cause it is hard to tell in those jeans when he yanks me back to the present with,"Honey you keep staring at my ass like that and I am gonna get the impression that you want yo take a bite of it" he turns laughing as he opens the door. I roll my eyes as I walk in front of him ,"in your dreams superstar"
"Well yeah but that ain't anything new now is it " he says as he  places his hands on my waist to help me in and if he doesn't cop a feel of my ass. I turn my head and he looks all innocent like he hasn't done anything. He shuts the door and runs around and climbs in and off we go to the flower shop.
    When we get there,Brantley helps me out and wAlks with me inside. Lisa a girl we went to school with is working and she asks ,"what can I help you with BG?"
"Well Sissie and I are here to pick out flowers for Carey and his funeral."
   "Sissie I am so sorry to hear about your daddy he was a good man and will be missed.  I can't tell you how much our family owes him because when Josh came back from Iraq well he want dealing well and your daddy helped him. Josh said it was because he knew what it was like to be in a war himself. So what were you thinking about doing?"
"Well he is going to have a military funeral so the flag will be draped so I thought to do a large stand beside the head and foot matching sprays with pictures of him in military uniform and then one in his MC cut and leathers on his bike. So I was thinking probably red roses for both of them. And I want something from me maybe with a ribbon that says Daddy on it?"
   Brantley nods and says,"what about the dark coral roses with a black ribbon. You know kind of like the HD colors to be placed inside the casket with him?"
   The tears fall down my face cause Brantley remembers that those were my favorite roses. I look at Lisa,"Do three roses like that to represent my dad, mom and me and have the black ribbon say Daddy please"
  Lisa looked at me and smiled," that is going to be the prettiest Sissie. Now do you have the pictures?"
   I pull the framed pictures out of my purse and give them to her. She smiles and said," Carey loved being on a bike and he loved telling anyone who would listen how proud he was of his daughter the high school teacher who made a name for herself in Atlanta. Congratulations are in order I heard today."

"Yeah he did love a bike and was happiest on the open road but not sure what the congratulations are for?" I ask her.

"Well I mean you come back to town with BG and heard you were staying at his place so everyone said yall were back together and I have to say it is about damn time cause girl that man has been lost without you. We all doubted if we would ever find someone to marry and make it work when you left town cause if you and BG couldn't make it then no one else had a chance in hell. So its nice to see you both together again."
  "Lisa,BG and I are .." he cut me off and said"just getting to know each other again . its been a long time and we will just have to see what happens now "
   "Now how much do I owe you Lisa?" Well the two big sprays will be $200 each and the casket piece will be $30 so $230 total but you don't have to pay now. " I smiled as I wrote her a check and she said she would personally do them . We get back in the truck and head to Brantley's house.
   On the ride home I tell him, "I haven't been in town 10 minutes and the grapevine is already speculating about you and me. "

"Well I figured as much cause I will be honest I think everyone always hoped that you would come back and settle me down. I went in a very downward spiral from that night till about 4 years ago, I am sure you heard about the drinking and drugs getting worse and then there were women and I am not bragging when I say this but quite a lot. Saying that to you telling you that part of my life well I am ashamed Sissie. Its not who I was supposed to be. "
    " Well I know it isn't you and no it never really was but hanging around the MC well we know how that goes. I grew up in it, lived there for quite a few years after mom passed away. So I know what happens and how it affects people B . I said the other to say I am sorry if me being here is hurting you in any way. I know you have a broken engagement and well probably don't need this shit stirred back up"

"Sissie I am fine with it all"

When we get back to Brantley's house I go in and start getting ready for the wake. I put on a short sleeve black cotton dress that comes right above my knee . It was the casual of the two I brought with me. I put on my strappy ankle peep toe booties. I check my purse and I walk downstairs telling B I was ready and I stopped cause there he stood in black jeans tight black T-shirt with his cutte on and motorcycle boots but the killer was that damn black ball cap turned backwards. He smiled and said," you ready Darlin?"
I can only nod because he has taken my breath away.

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