Meeting the Guys

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Sissie POV
I am finishing packing my last minute stuff for the next 2 months I am going to be on the road with Brantley. To say that I am nervous is an understatement I am not sure how well it is going to go. I turned in my resignation for my job instead of taking a leave of absence , after the last 2 years I realize I want to go to a smaller school so even if it doesn't work out in Jefferson well I should be able to find one somewhere. As I zip up the last bag I hear a knock at the door. I walk to the door and open it and Brantley is leaned against the door frame and I see that he has on a Falcons tshirt and black track pants and that damn black baseball cap turned around backwards. He grins and says," show me where your bags are so I can get you loaded and we can head to the dome. I have sound check and a VIP session before the concert and if you play nice I will go ahead and make introductions to Kenny."
  "My bags are right there and then I have one in my bedroom. I hope I didn't pack to much but wasn't really sure how it worked."
He grins," okay how many bags?"
"Well those 2 and then the one in my bedroom"
He turns around,"that's all you are taking?"
"Well yeah you said we would be coming home on off days so I figured this would do and if I needed anything I could just buy it "
  Kissing my cheek he walks by," okay get the other one and lock this place up and we are off for an adventure"
  "Okay B, lead the way"
He sets my bags in his truck and helps me in and pinches my ass. I turn and he is just grinning "what ? Sissie you know me and know I never pass up a chance to get my hands on you"
Laughing I shake my head," Behave or I will just go home"
   As he runs around and climbs in the truck and cranks it before turning to me and saying,"I am really glad you are coming with me this summer "
"Me too B, me too"
   We rode the short distance to the Dome and when we pull in PJ is standing beside an all black tour bus that I know has to be Brantley's. He opened my door and pulls me in for a hug and says ," been a long time Sissie but glad you are here now"
"I know PJ but someone has to come along and keep his ass out of trouble cause I think you have your hands full "
  "If you only knew girl you would run for the hills"
BG yells "Why don't you quit hitting on my woman and get over here and help me get her stuff on the bus so I can get to sound check"
"Jealous Boss that she likes me better? You know once you go black you don't go back"  PJ says laughing and kissing my cheek before he goes around and grabs a suitcase taking it to the bus and getting on.
  B motions for me to go ahead of me and he pauses at the bottom of the steps. I turn around to see what is wrong," B ....are you staring at my ass?"
Smirks,"well baby girl , I can't help that you fill those daisies out just right, you know they are a weakness."
"Really Mr.Bossman you can't handle seeing a woman in daisies. ....hmmmmm....maybe I need to rethink this tour"
His eyes widen and then he grins,"just how many pairs of those did you pack baby?"
   "That's for me to know and you to try to find out Boss. Now where does this stuff go?"
   He motions me to the back and shows me the closet space he has cleared out and the shelf that is mine and drawers. I stop and look at the giant bed biting my lip finally looking at him" B, where am I sleeping ?"
   "Well princess that is totally up to you, you can sleep in the bed back here with me or you can sleep up front on the couch that makes a bed" he said crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall.

I roll my eyes and poke his chest ,"or outlaw, I smirk, you can sleep on the couch ." Winking at him as I go by to put my stuff in the bathroom.

I can see him in the mirror biting his lip," not fair honey !!!" He yells making me laugh.

"Sure it is cause we all know you are a gentleman and wouldn't make a guest especially a woman sleep up front."

"Well technically, I wouldn't be making you babe, it would be your choice to sleep up front . I prefer you sleeping in my bed."

I lean my head out the door batting my eye lashes at him ,"I'm right aren't I B?"
He looks at the ceiling and moans...."yes you are right dammit"
"Just can't let me win ....Can you B?"
"Nope that hasn't changed princess you should know that"
I walk over putting a hand on his chest running it down lightly smiling at him.
"Sissie" he mutters leaning down and growls when he hears a pounding on the side of the bus.
  I laugh and follow him to the front when he opens the door and then walks back to me slipping his arms around my waist and waits for everyone to get on the bus . "B .." I grumble trying to wiggle loose embarrassed as the guys walk on with wide eyes."Let me go"

"No now quit your moving around or you really will get embarrassed.  Hey guys this is ..."
"SISSIE" Ben yells,"damn girl you have grown up "
Rolling my eyes at him I ask,"What the hell have you done to your hair Ben?"
Rubs his mohawk," I know its so cool right girl"
Jesse smacks his shoulder as everyone laughs "keep telling yourself that man"
"Yeah Bennie I have grown up but the question is have you?"
Brantley starts laughing when PJ yells "hell no none of them have sweetheart . The one wrapped around you especially "
"So PJ what you are telling me is that I have left one group of immature teenagers for another group of immature old men?"
"Sadly sweetheart, he says shaking his head, yeah you have "
"Hey who you calling old " they all yell . I turn my head smirking at B "I dunno I mean there are a couple of grey hairs "
Growling "woman I will show you that I am NOT old"
Poking his chest ...being a gentleman remember?
Ben starts laughing ,"yep just as sassy as I remember "
I turn and glare at him ," Oh you can damn sure believe that drummer boy"

He ducks behind PJ ..."don't let her kill me,  BG she didn't pack a crowbar did she? Please, please tell me you frisked her for one"

BG pales a little,"Sissie please tell me you left the crowbar at home. Please for the love of God tell me you left it at home."
Smirking I shrug my shoulders,"that's for me to know , pointing to all of them , and for all of you to worry about"

PJ laughs,"Oh this is gonna be fun. I knew I loved you girl. Now all of you will watch your step this trip."
"Thanks PJ good to be back"

Jeff comes on the bus and says ,"all you are late for soundcheck if the lady being on tour with us cause a problem like this then you may find yourselves kicked off this tour."
BG steps forward bowing up " Jeff you and I need to talk because I will not have you disrespecting Sissie like that do you hear me. She is staying end of talk. " Looks at everyone ,"now lets get to soundcheck cause we all know I have a hard ass manager who is anal about schedules.  " he smirks as they file off the bus.
Pauses as he reaches the top of the steps turns back to me holding a hand out"you coming baby girl?"


" Woman he growls get your ass over here and come on . Don't even go there you aren't in the way "

I dig my heels in biting my lip. "Are you sure?"  Rolls his eyes and sighs ...leans forward and tosses me over his shoulder and turns around walking by the boys .

"Awwww....look" Ben says with a smirk "Now that is familiar BG manhandling Sissie "
I glare and flip him off as B chuckles" I can let her down if you want Ben?"
PJ chimes in..."I bet I can find her a crowbar"
Ben gulps shaking his head,"Nope I'm good carry on"

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