The Bonfire

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Looking around and seeing all my friends and family gathered around, I didn't see the one person that meant the most. Sissie wasn't here. Ashley had dropped Eli off earlier to help me get everything set up and said she was going to get Sissie. The doubts started creeping in, what if she decides this isn't the life that she wants, I just got her back and I don't know that I will survive losing her again. Searching the crowd I keep looking for her blonde hair. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I turn seeing Eli. He hands me a bottle of water and takes a drink of his beer. "Relax brother she is coming. Quit asking for trouble cause that woman is yours make no doubt about it."

"Eli I want to believe that but I am not sure she trusts me totally yet. She still sees me as that punk ass kid who didn't know a good thing when he had it."

"No I can tell you she doesn't or she wouldn't be here now. You have proved to her over and over that you plan on sticking this time. You have shown her you have changed, now it's your turn to trust her. Besides, have you asked her to be your ol lady again?" Eli asked

I chuckle," No I haven't asked her I pretty much have told her she is and I have showed her on several different occasions. Besides you know what kind of relationship we have."

"But sometimes a woman wants to be asked B. Now when are you thinking about putting that collar on her that I know you have had special made for a while now?"

"When I feel she is ready. Eli you know she's still learning. I mean yeah she has come a long way. But she's not ready for that. I plan on doing that one time, one woman. Sissie needs time, needs to learn more and be totally confident in her submission. When she decides to wear her property vest again will be a step in the right direction. That will be proof that she really trusts me again."

"Okay B, now I think it is time for you to get out there and enjoy your guests until our two crazy blondes get here. Cause who knows what kind of trouble those two have cooked up for tonight."

I nod and walk down the steps , stopping to talk to everyone as I make my way around the bonfire. It takes me a while to make it over to Deke and Lucy and we are standing there talking when I hear Ace say "Holy hell what is that woman wearing?" We all turn and my mouth drops open and for once in my life I am left speechless. Making her way down my back porch steps is Sissie, and lawd have mercy is she a knockout. She has on the tiniest pair of cutoff daisies that have always been my favorite. I grow hard just seeing her in them cause I know she is commando under them, but the thing that gets me is she is wearing her MC property vest. I don't realize it until I am standing in front of her that I have even moved. I place my hand on her cheek and turn her face up to me as I bend down and my lips are just an inch away from hers when I hear," I hope this is okay wearing the vest since we haven't had that conversation"

I touch her lips with mine and my left hand goes to right above her ass pulling her closer to me as I deepen the kiss I hear a moan from her throat. I break the kiss and whisper "Does that answer your question, baby doll?"

"Yes, I guess it does" she says biting her lip.

"Darlin' you should know that I wouldn't have a problem with you telling everyone that you belong to me, not that most didn't know that already."

"Yeah but I know I took a risk doing it without your permission. "

"Sissie look at me and listen, you are mine. I am yours. End of story. This just lets everyone know. Thank you baby. I know it took a lot of trust for you to put that vest back on, so don't for one second think that I take your decision lightly" As I lean down to kiss her again, I hear," For Christ's sake get a room Bro" from Kolby. I have to laugh and so does every one else when Sissie holds up her middle finger at him never breaking our kiss.

Pulling back I throw my arm around her and I look behind her at Ashley and she raises her beer to me as I mouth thank you, I know she had a hand in getting Sissie to put her vest back on. I lean down and whisper "You sure know how to bring a man to his knees"

"That was the plan outlaw" She says as she smiles up at me.

Lucy yells,"Bout damn time you came home and came to your senses woman"

"Well I wouldn't have had to if he hadn't acted like an asshole all those years ago" Sissie snaps back

" I know let me just say it out loud once and for all for everyone to hear, I was a dumbass to ever let Sissie go all those years ago but I was in the bottle and pills and it clouded my judgement. I am sorry darlin' that I put you through hell back then but I promise that you won't ever have to see that side of me again" I shout out to the crowd. "But make no bones she is mine boys, always has been always will be"

"I don't know about that cause I think I remember you being engaged to someone else" she pops back.

"Woman you better settle that sassy mouth if you don't want a red ass , cause I will bend you over my knee right here and now." I growl

"You wouldn't dare "

Raising my eyebrow, "Those shorts combined with that mouth gives me twitchy palms so yes ma'am, I don't care who is here I would do it. So word of advice don't push me tonight, cause it is all I can do to keep my hands off you as it is."

She opens and closes her mouth several times and finally says," Yes Sir"

"Good girl" I say kissing her on her forehead.

As the night goes on and it starts getting late, people start to leave. Eli and Ash are crashing in my guest room cause they are both to drunk to drive. Lucy and Deke are the last to leave after helping us clean everything up.

I lock the door and turn around and see Sissie standing on the stairs with her vest undone but instead of black tank top underneath all I see is skin. She winks at me and says, "Come do your best outlaw " and takes off up the stairs.

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