The Club Part 2

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"Luuuuuce can we please not go there? I am not that same person . She died 11 years ago and like I said it didn't bother him cause just a week or 2 at most after I left he was going with Amber and like daddy told me planned on marrying her."

" And spent most of that time either playing gigs or drowning in the bottle. He lost himself in what he thought he deserved because he messed up and lost you. His head is on straight and he's thinking a lot clearer now, honey. You'd do good to remember that . Don't alienate the one person who is gonna be able to help you through the next few days."

I wipe my eyes"Dammit Lucy losing my daddy is hard enough without you pushing me and B together, did you forget the reason I left was because he promised me he was done with the alcohol and pills and was in bed with that whore? Or does the fact he made it big just let him out of all that? And yeah he has been a shoulder to lean on today but what happens now? I am supposed to fall at his feet forgetting that he made me look like a fool? Forget how he ripped me apart and never cared? Cause you know what Luce I found out that I am okay by myself at least I don't have to worry if today is the day my heart is ripped to pieces."

She places her hands on my shoulders and gives me a sad smile,"No honey, you make him work for it. God knows if you could see the look in his eyes I am seeing right now, you would know its worth it. Casey didn't want you to be alone Dammit. Boss made a mistake with the pills and the booze. Trust me when I say he would take that back if he could. As for the whore, we all know it was a setup to get to you. Just didn't want to see it at the time, but if he'd been in his right mind it wouldn't have happened."

"Oh I know that Luce have heard for the past 18 months how I needed to come back and talk to B cause he was a different man now. But it all comes down to this one thing...he never came after me..... He chose another girl." I tell her letting the tears fall.

"No baby girl he settled . The love of his life walked away from him. Pretty much threatened to shoot him on sight, so do you blame him ?"

"Yes I do cause if he loved me he would have at least tried . I mean look what daddy did . He came for a full year every other week to watch me, making sure I was okay that first year. So you all think it is my fault ? Everyone blames me?"

"No baby , but what makes you think he didn't? Think your daddy kept quiet about you to him? No Boss has busted his ass trying to prove he is a better man. That he isn't the same kid who ripped your heart out . Casey had just about talked him into going with him next time he went down , told him it was time to face you and set all this shit straight."

" I know he didn't check on me cause I asked Daddy and he is the one who told me B had moved on . I can believe the part about coming the next time because he practically said the same thing to me. Its just too much to deal with Luce."

"Ok,ok, holding her hands up in surrender. I have said my peace Darlin. You have your family around you the next couple of days .Let us be here for you please, don't forget that you are family." she hugs me tightly and whispers"The best things in life are worth fighting for and when you get them .....hold on with both hands. "

I hold her tighter as I whisper,"I don't know if I can and I know you all are family that is the one thing I know even when I am mad"

"Baby girl you are one of the toughest people I know . Being raised in this MC made you too tough sometimes . Got to bend a little before you break"

Deke yells," are we gonna eat tonight cause I thought you said it was ready Woman"

"Oh shut your bitching up ...when have I ever not fed yall? !!!! "

I let out a deep sigh and walks over to the table as B pulls out a chair for me to sit down . After we sit he squeezes my knee and leans over to whisper," doing okay Darlin?"

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