Flashback First Meeting 2001 Part 2

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BG walks back in as they are all sitting down and Sissie is getting ready to yell at Deke . Carey has already confiscated any knives near her when BG walks in and sets a brown paper bag by her elbow before taking the seat next to her .

Carey looks at him with a stare and Sissie opens the bag and grins as she pulls out the burger and steak fries. She takes a bite closing her eyes and moaning causing half the guys to make a noise. She glares at them and turns to BG ,"you paid attention I like that in a man. Might have some use for you yet."

Carey growls as Deke cracks up laughing ,"what do you mean have a use for him girl?
"Oh Shit" BG mumbles under his breath.
"Kid have you been hitting on MY DAUGHTER?"
BG rubs the back of his neck,"ummmm...no.. I just tried to get her name ...that's all"
"Really son...getting her name involved buying her what appears to be dinner."
Turning pale,"ummmm....."
"Oh hell Carey" Lucy says waving a hand at him. "Its just a burger and it saves Deke from being almost killed again....."
"Damn man needs to learn how to cook a steak properly " Sissie growls as she reaches for another fry.
"Son , you and I are gonna have a talk after we eat "
Sissie rolling her eyes,"daddy quit acting like you have any say in who I choose to spend time with...he ain't too old well at least I don't think so but then again all I know is his name and he pays attention to what is said around him. "

"Hmmmmm...." Carey says stroking his beard and grinning "pays attention hun? I'm shocked. That boy is more hard headed than you baby girl and I WILL have a talk with him."

Brantley has stayed quiet eating his food and Deke hits him"what do you have to say for yourself cause I haven't ever known you to be this quiet?" Deke ducks as Lucy throws a roll at him."leave the kids alone boys. Grown ass men. Yall are worse than a gossiping group of women"

Sissie looks around "well who is the entertainment tonight know that we have to have someone or else it wouldn't be so important for me to be here on a school night."

Carey grins"well.... Baby girl , he's sitting right next to you "
She cooks an eyebrow at Brantley " you ? Really? Can you carry a tune in a bucket hotshot?"
Brantley leans back and smirks with that Georgia hat turned backwards," guess you will find out in a little bit sweetheart"
Sissie bites her lip and reaches for another fry trying to play off that look isn't getting to her,"well I guess we will"
Carey narrows his eyes at Brantley and says," okay outside now you and me" as he pushes back from the table. Brantley stands up and starts outside when Lucy tells Deke to go and Carey turns around and says,"No, my daughter, my talk"
"Dammit daddy !!! All he did was smile at me . Jesus,Mary and Joseph ! Get a grip old man! Brantley just sit back down cause the old man is getting senile "
Brantley leans down and says into her ear,"your daddy wants a talk he will get a talk , only right after all its only right for me to ask if I can ask you out isn't that the MC way sweetheart?"
Sucks in a gasp and glares at him putting on a tough act when that hat,smirk and whisper are getting to her."ask all you want to doesn't mean I will say yes "
"No it doesn't mean you will say yes but you didn't exactly say no either " he stands up and walks out the door.
"Arrrrgh that boy is impossible" Lucy starts laughing "baby you have met your match " glares at Lucy," no i have not!!! He is a male and they are all putty in my hands and this one want be any different. And it is a BIG if I decide to go there"
Deke starts cackling"keep telling yourself sweetheart . that one right there won't bow down to the MC princess like the rest of the boys. That I can promise you ."
"Ugh I am going to my room"
"Didn't think you were chickenshit Sissie" Deke laughs
"Fuck you Deke I have to study!"

Meanwhile outside

Carey is standing in the yard with his arms crossed and glaring as Brantley walks out the door and growls,"Boy, what the hell do you think you are doing trying to get in good with MY little girl?"

Brantley holds his hands up and swallows big" Carey I mean no disrespect to you man but I do want to ask your permission to ask her out. I haven't done any more than ask her name"

"And tell me why I should give it? " Carey said trying to keep from grinning cause he knew there was no one better for his baby girl even if the boy was misguided at times. Reminded him a lot of himself at that age. Searching for the part of him that was missing and for him it was June, just like he had a feeling it was his baby girl that Brantley was missing.

"Honestly I don't have a good answer other than I give you my word as a man that I will treat her like she deserves to be treated."

"Son I have no doubt of that because you know that I will stomp your ass if you don't. But what I really want to know , Carey says with a grin, is what are you going to do to get her to say yes?"

"Hell Carey you had me scared to death and I am not totally sure guess I will wing it . I am hoping that cheeseburger and fries softened her up a little and maybe tonight after the set when she hears me sing maybe she might be interested a little more"

"Well son you got her attention. She was defending you against all of us but me especially. That ain't never happened. So got any idea what you wanna do next?"

"Yeah I want to take her on a date away from all of you, just me and her so we can get to know each other. Maybe a picnic down by the river nothing fancy cause that ain't me and I ain't about to start acting like it is for no girl. Way I see it either she likes me for myself or she don't ."

Carey grins and smirks"well that sounds like a good idea son. I think that would be something that she would like just a word of advice guard your balls if you pissed her off "

"Okay so you are cool with me dating Sissie ? Thanks for the advice I will keep it in mind."

"Yeah son I am cool with it. If she asks I gave you hell okay. I got to keep the tough guy act up"

"Why do all this just for show? I don't get it man"

"Because it was funny as hell to watch you squirm" Carey replied with a booming laugh" and I saw how she was watching you and I wanted to see her response . She may act tough but she is definitely interested. And the hat turned backwards well just may be her downfall . Besides you are the first guy that she even remotely seems interested in that isn't out to pop her cherry .So I will say this friend or no friend, I will kill you if you hurt her."

Gulps.....holds out his hand to Carey,"yes sir ...I understand. "

Holding Brantleys hand ,"I mean it don't fuck her over, if she agrees its her and only her son. You hear me?"
"Yes.....yes sir"

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