Starbucks Run

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Sissie POV

I have given my order to the girl at the register and have moved down waiting for them to call my name. PJ is standing to the side checking in with B I am sure when I notice a guy walk up beside me and prop on the counter. He gives me the creeps, slicked back hair, health club muscles, suit and soft looking hands, , not my kind of man. Leering at me he asks"Hey sweetcheeks want to have dinner later?"
Eyeing him up and down with a look of disgust," No I wouldn't."
"Awe now sweetcheeks why you want to play hard to get?" he asked moving closer trying to look down the big neck of my shirt. Damn B was right I should have put on a bra. I was only thinking about teasing him.
"Buddy you need to back up and I am not playing hard to get, a man like you can't handle a woman like me." I say dismissing him
Smacks his lips,"Now I don't know about that honey. Looks to me that you've got plenty to hold on to." Leaning closer, "Especially when I'm hitting it from the back"
PJ growls and I cut my eyes over my shoulder at him,"Buddy I wear heels bigger than your dick, you wouldn't know where to start with me and my Ol Man would tear you to pieces."
He goes to put his hand on my shoulder and PJ stops him by grbbing his wrist. HIs eyes widen and I look to make sure he didn't piss himself, and snicker when he sees SECURITY written on PJ's shirt. Stepping back he holds his hands up and then rolls his eyes,"How does a little tart like you warrant security?"
"Don't be hatin' just because you can't play with the big dogs" I say before snatching up our drinks and stomping out.
I look back over my shoulder and see PJ is pissed. When we get in the truck I give him my puppy dog eyes,"Don't tell B, please?"
"Now Sissie you know good and well I have to tell Boss. I won't let it be that bad cause it wasn't. You handled it just like you always have, but you know damn well I have to tell him, that is unless you want to tell him."
"Great just great" I mumble, "I am sooooo gonna hear a lecture from him."
"More like end up with a red ass" PJ mutters causing me to turn red. "Why would Boss lecture you?"
"Cause he has always loved to lecture me and I bet he hasn't changed only now it will be more."
"Would that be because he doesn't like men looking at wha's his much less touching ?" PJ says with an arched eyebrow.
"Oh we both know he don't like that PJ but I have news for him and anyone else, I am not staying cooped up on a tour bus this whole summer. So he can get his bossy ass over it. Shit happens and I am part of an MC and can take care of myself. I have been for the past 11 years"
"Not arguing the fact that you can handle yourself darlin " PJsays with a loud laugh parking the truck."Just know Boss" he starts laughing hard pointing" Look who is done with sound check already"
I look and there stands B leaned up against the bus in holy jeans, no sweats, boots and tank top, talking to Jesse and Ben. And if that man didn't have his hat turned backwards,mmmm mmmmm. I press my legs together that is until I see PJ get out. I hop out and run aroundthe truck,"Shit PJ please don't"
"Boss!" He calls out ignoring me tugging on his arm. B growls at Ben when he tugged down his shades watching the show.
"What's going on PJ?" he asks as I yank on PJ's arm again. "Don't"
"Got to darlin" PJ says shrugging his shoulders.
"On that note we are out" Jesse says pulling Ben after him. "BUt...but" Ben sputters until B looks at him and growls"What happened on the coffee run?"
PJ goes to open his mouth and I step in front of him holding his coffee out to him"Okay fine I got hit on while I was waiting for our order"

Bgrits his teeth, "Bus Sissie" and he points to the door.
"But B..."

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