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I just pulled into the high school parking lot and there were a few kids making their way in between buildings. I cut the bike and took my time taking my helmet off and putting it up. I had been dreading this for the entire ride.
I couldn't help but think back to the last time I saw Sissie. She had literally just taken a swing at my head with a crowbar and when I ducked she stopped as she realized what she had done. She looked me dead in the eye and told me ," I am done Brantley Keith Gilbert if you want to end up dead on the road, dying with AIDS, or in prison doing hard time you go ahead but I will not let you drag me down with you. After tonight , you are dead to me. I will not be drawn into this MC shit like my mama and have my heart broken and die at an early age. I told you that if you ever cheated on me I was through and I meant it. So even if what you claim is true and you were passed out and that was staged, you lied and did the one thing you swore to me you were through with and that is that damn bottle and pills."
She turned and looked at everyone else standing there and said," I blame all of you because if you didn't get him started and supply it then I wouldn't have had my heart broken. That is all this MC is good for is breaking my heart. I hate you all and you are dead to me too. Tomorrow when I leave Jefferson I won't be coming back."
And with those words she got in her 69 Mustang and revved it up, squealing the tires as she roared out of the lot.
She didn't lie she hadn't been back to Jefferson since that day. I haven't seen her and I knew Casey had but he never talked to me about her. He didn't blame me for Sissie leaving but I blamed myself. I made her leave the only home she had ever known and that was the reason that I started that rock bottom spiral of booze, pills and women. Thank God I was through with that mess and had been for 4 years now.

I get off my bike and make my way to the front doors and I spot that black 69 mustang in the faculty parking lot, so I am assuming she is working today. I enter the door of the school and walk to the office. As I walk in the secretary gives me a double look, not sure if it is because I am dressed like a biker in leather vest and chains or if she knows who I am. First instinct is biker since she looks to be around 60, she gains her composure and asks," Can I help you?"
"Yes ma'am I need to see Sissie Brown please"I tell her.
"I'm sorry but we don't have a teacher by that name." she looks over her glasses at me.
I'm confused and then it hits me that Sissie probably used her given name, "I'm sorry ma'am I need to see Karissa Brown"
"Well she is in class so I'm sorry but you aren't allowed to see her Mr.?" she says snarling her nose.

"Ma'am my name is Brantley Gilbert and it is very important that I see Karissa. Can I please speak to her or the principal?" I say trying to keep my cool.

"What business do you have with Ms Brown?" she inquires.

"It is personal and I will not tell you. I have some news to give her and its extremely important that I speak to her. So if you will not tell me where her classroom is or call her down here then let me speak to the principal. " I say gritting my teeth.

She goes to speak and I hear a squeal in the hallway and turn and there are a group of girls standing looking at me so I smile and wave. They start giggling and run off. A man walks in and said," Can I help you Mr Gilbert?"

I look at him and smile," Yes I need to speak to Karissa Brown it is extremely important "

"I will call her down ." he tells me and then looks to the secretary and tells her to get her down to the office. While the old bag is distracted I tell him in a low voice," I am an old friend and I have news to give her that is going to go bad. I have to tell her that her dad passed away last night." He tells me that I can take his office and he would line up something for her classes the rest of the week.

The back door opens and I turn my head at the sound of it and there she stood. I thought damn how did she get more beautiful . Sissie had on a light blue sleeveless top that was tucked into a black pencil skirt and I followed her tan legs down to her feet and she had them damn 3 inch peep toe sandals and her toes were painted hot pink. I look back up her body and her blonde hair is up in a knot all pulled back. She is standing there not moving and I watch as she takes in my appearance . Her eyes roam up and down my body taking in the leather, tattoos and the black ball cap turned backwards. I see her eyes grow wide and I know that look it is desire. Then in an instant she shuts it down and walk toward me. She comes to stand just a few feet away and turns to her principal and asks," you need to see me?"

"I called you down here because Mr Gilbert needs to talk to you. You can use my office." he tells her.

She nods and walks toward his office and I follow shutting the door and when she turns I see the hard eyes that looked at me 11 years ago.

"What the hell do you want Brantley Keith?"

"Sissie I came to tell you something and its ...not easy darling, ....but your daddy..... well .......he passed away last night. I'm sorry Sissie. He was a really good man and one of my best friends."

Sissie looks at me and I know she is searching my face to make sure it is true and then I see it, the wall crumbles and tears start to fall and I do what I always have done and that was pull her into my arms and comfort her.

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