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Laying in bed, holding Sissie was amazing. I ran last night through my mind and she never batted an eye on any of it. I know it was just a start because she had a lot of things to learn and truly decide if this was something she can do and to what extent. I don't know what I have done to have her back in my life, but I am thanking God everyday. Sissie asks," Can I ask how you got into the lifestyle?I mean I know that you have never been plain vanilla even at 17 but how did you discover it?"
Laughing I tell her," We were out for a ride and were bar hopping, feeling good andstopped at this place we thought was a bar but it was actually a club.I was sitting off to the side just taking it all in and I hear 'well son see something that interests you' It was Deke I looked around to see who was listening and said Maybe why you asking. Deke chuckled and took a drink of his beer and said can tell by the look in your eye,been there myself. I asked him, Really not pulling my leg? Really he told me, been into it for a while. I remember my eyes widen when I asked himhow Luce felt about it. I will never forget his answer, Son Luce loves it cause she embraces who she is. Yeah she is in charge of he club but she knows who he Daddy is."
"How did you respond to that B?"
"Well, I might have said fuck me I never would have guessed Luce you maybe but Luce, nah. He laughed and told me don't think I don't know what is going on in my clubhouse, I know you have dabbled, Luce found your cuffs a while back. I remember looking around to see where Carey was not wanting him to hear, all I needed then was your dad to find out what we had been doing, he was still blaming me for you packing up and leaving. I told him Maybe I have a little. He had followed my eyes and nodded his understanding and then what he told me next changed my life. He said that if it was something I wanted to know more about , then I will answer any questions you have.If you need a woman's perspective ask Lucy, she would be glad to help you out son. Biggest thing is this, like anything else you need to learn the right way and not go off half cocked into something you don't know nothing about. You can hurt someone physically and mentally. So I started learning everything I could, talked with older more experienced Doms and I trained under their supervision."

Sissie looks at me with wide eyes,"Well that explains the conversation I had with Lucy last night"
"Damn woman knows me too well. She knew I would have something to say about the way that movie and books were handled. Most everyone in the BDSM community feels the same way , nothing but trash." I tell her
"You wait till we get home , that woman has had it. She knew and she set me up " Sissie says
"Princess are you surprised? Did you really expect any different from her? She has told me for years that you were made for me."
"No I shouldn't and yes I too heard that broken record of hers every time we had a fight. This your way of telling me that I can ask Lucy if I don't think I can ask you?"
I pull her closer, smiling, "Yes it is because I know that you will have questions that she could probably better answer than me. But honestly, don't be afraid to ask me anything. No judgement here, you will find that people in the lifestyle accept you as you are."

Rolling over she pushes my shoulders down looking at me with that mischievious grin....."got a red room hid at the house somewhere?"
Laughing,"Read the books baby?"
"Yes I did now answer me B, do you have a secret room?"
"Maybe I do and then maybe I don't . But you will have to wait to see. My lips are sealed." I make the twisting like I am turning the key and throwing it away.
"Tell me" she pouts glaring at me
"No" I tell her laughing
"Now " she whines
I narrow my eyes,"Sissie" I growl warning her.
"Okay shutting up now" she whispers
Grinning" I can already tell I'm gonna like this"
"Don't have to gloat you ass" she grumbles pushing away to climb out of the bed. I tug her back down, pinning her beneath me," Oh I love when you are sassy baby girl, makes my palm twitch."
She sucks in a deep breath,"Oh really now"
"Yes it makes me want to spank your ass and leave my handprint as a permanent impression."I lean down sinking my teeth on her ear, hearing her whimper,"thought makes you wet , doesn't it princess?"
"Yes" she whispers biting her lip.
"Mmmmm,may have to adjust that attitude today."

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