Lunch and Decisions Part 2

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Brantley POV

I do not believe that Sissie just gave me a dare/ challenge she knows I never back away from one. But it is nice being able to eat with her and have this conversation after such a deep discussion last night. I think I need to push her buttons just a little.  She looks up at me biting her lip and tells me "no it wasn't a challenge and I know if you haven't changed and I don't think you have on that point , you never walk away from one. It was just a statement so you need to go on and get out of here my kids will be coming in and you will be chased by teenage girls if you don't "
   I step back as she stands up, pulling her into my arms," princess  I know better " as I lean down and place a kiss softly on her lips. I hear her sigh and I can't help but grin.
  She pulls her head back, "maybe so but then again maybe not you will just have to wait and see hotshot. Now go on get out of here I don't need their minds on you while they take a final exam "
   I grin backing up"okay I am going but one thing I have to ask is will you be ready to go on tour with me Saturday night after the concert in the Dome? And do you want to go with me to it?"
   "Yeah I will be ready to go and yes I will go with you but I have a favor to ask of you on your way home today "
   "What's that princess?"
"Can you take these papers by Jefferson High, it's my signed contract for next year."
   Smiling I tell her," I will be more than happy to take them by and for what it's worth I don't think you will regret it Sissie. I think you may just find that is what is missing for you and that is where you will be able to heal, with friends and family around you."
  She gives me a small smile and whispers softly as my hand brushes hers," I hope not "
  As I lean to kiss her I whisper," you won't baby , I promise"

I saunter out of her classroom and I can feel her eyes following me so I grin and say,"Princess you keep looking at my ass like a piece of meat that you would like to take a bite out of. I might just forget where we are and what I promised you."

"I was not staring B . I was thinking about what I needed to do for my next class , besides you are too much of a gentleman to do anything here. " she sasses back at me.

I stop and turn around on my heel stalking toward her with intent to show her just what I meant. I push her in the classroom and close the door behind me making sure to lock it. I cage her against the wall with my body with my arms above her. I lean down and capture her lips with mine taking my tongue and tracing her bottom lip and then she bites my bottom lip. I growl low in my throat as I plunder her mouth relearning the taste and feel of her like I wAS 16 again. Only this time I was a man on a mission, not some wet behind the ears kid. She leans into me and I slide my hands down her sides cupping her ass and pulling her closer. She wraps her fingers in my belt loops and tugs me closer to her. I grab her thigh and run my hand up her skirt pushing it up so I can wrap her thigh around my waist pressing harder against her so she can feel just how hard she is making me and I yank my head away from hers cause the bell rings outside her door.

   She smooth her skirt down and I smirk ," now what were you saying about me not doing anything Princess? I do believe you forgot who you were talking to and that I don't walk away from a challenge. "
She grins up at me and takes her hand wiping my face and what I am assuming is her lipstick off of me. I laugh as I look down and I tell her,"better go fix your face baby doll. I will talk to you later " I turn and adjust myself and turn my hat around pulling it down low over my eyes . I know she is watching so I swagger just a little more than normal . "I will call you when I head home okay?"
"Sounds good princess and you have a good afternoon "

Sissie POV

I watch as he walk away and damn that ass is something I would like to get a hold of. As he goes around the corner students start coming down the hall. I hurry to my desk and fix my makeup where he had wreaked havoc , but damn has that man gotten better with age. He is right the chemistry they had is still there but better and stronger than before. Good lord I missed his lips more than I ever wanted to admit while being sober. I put my stuff up and think would it be so bad to tangle with him again? I mean can I really go a whole summer around him and not give in to those feelings? Hell if he can kiss like that I am almost afraid to see what he can do in the bedroom. The kids come in and I turn on my tea her mode and put those thoughts in the back of my mind.

Brantley POV

As I walk down the hall I grin knowing I just proved to Sissie that the chemistry is still there. Now to keep her out of her damn head and overanalyzing shit all summer is going to be next on the agenda. I get in my truck and call Mama.
"Hey son what is going on?"
"Mama my girl is coming home. I am headed to Jefferson High with a signed contract for her to teach next year. She is coming home"
"Son that is great but you need to be careful and not screw things up this time"
"Thanks Angel for the vote of confidence"
"Well son you do have a tendency to stick your foot in your mouth when it comes to her. Just don't screw up . I will see you when you drop those papers off"

As we hang up I agree that I have messed up in the past but I can't afford to mess up now. But what I do know is she still feels something for me and I am gonna do my damn hardest this summer to show her that I have changed and that we are good together.

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