Bike Ride

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Brantley POV

Sissie is finally behind me on my bike. It is like everything has fallen into place. Yeah she put up a fuss but in the end she climbed on with a yes sir. That will have to be explored at some point, but for now, her on my bike pressed up against me is what I have dreamed about for the past 11 years.
The road is wide open and Sissie is relaxed behind me. I can feel the tension flow out of her body the longer we ride. She was born to be on a bike and its time she remembered that fact and I know i am just the man to make her. I grin as I think about her words the reason she didn't want to get on the bike. That she was declaring to the whole world she was my Ole Lady and that I was free. Hell , I haven't been free force long time. She took my heart and never gave it back. Took me a while to figure that one out but now that I have she isn't getting away any time soon. I meant what I said, I was hers ,and she marked her territory really well last night. I am thinking about all of this when I feel Sissie tap my leg and I glance behind me and she points up ahead. There is a diner, I nod and start slowing down and pull in and park. Sissie gets off and I put our helmets in the bags. She has the biggest smile on her face.
"By that smile princess, looks like you had a good time on this ride." I say picking at her
"Not gonna lie B, I did enjoy it. Made me remember why I loved going on rides. Nothing but you and the freedom of the open road, the sound of the bike eating up the miles. You want help but relax on a bike ride." she tells me.
I take her hand and open the door letting her go in first. She heads to a booth in the back next to a window. I slide in across from her as the waitress comes over and gets our drink orders and hands us menus.
I cant stop looking at her when without looking up from her menu she says," I am real B I am not gonna vanish in smoke so quit staring and figure out what you want."
I laugh and tell her," okay I never knew how you did that but I see some things haven't changed with us."
She looks up," and so many things have"
We were interrupted by the waitress bringing our drinks. We both order and Sissie heads to the restroom. As she comes back, our food arrives. We both dig in, I forgot how much she loved a good burger and steak fries. I chuckle thinking back to me bringing it to her that first night we met. Sissie looks up, and my heart stops because she's smiling....a real honest to goodness smile...a soul deep smile.
She grins and then the smile leaves,"Brantley.."
"Sissie get out of your damn head. I thought that I would at least have a couple more hours before you got back inside that head overthinking Shit"
"You say that like it is a bad thing Brantley but you know we need to discuss this and what happened."
"No Sissie what I know is that we need to enjoy today and just be with each other without thinking or talking things to death"
"B...."she says going to argue with me and I hold my hand up.
I level a gaze at her and hold her eyes speaking to her in a string voice, "One day Sissie . You heard me. You and I are going to enjoy just being together . I have missed you and this so damn much. You wrapped around me taking a ride just doing nothing important. We have a long drive tonight, we will talk then." I watch as she takes in my words knowing this could go one of two ways.
"Okay B" she says quietly "I will give you one day but make no bones about it we will discuss this tonight. Now what do you have planned for us?"

"Wherever the wind takes us baby girl" I drawl with a wink,"you're gonna need your strength later"
She starts laughing," Same old B , still a damn flirt"
" Always for you princess, now go on finish that burger and fries"
I go back to eating my ribs and the waitress comes over asking if we want desert eying me like I was on a menu. Sissie smiles and shakes her head no. "Just the ticket please" I tell her.
"Sure thing handsome" she says and walks away. Sissie rolls her eyes muttering pussy brigade under her breath and it cracks me up. I laugh as I am wiping my mouth the waitress brinks the ticket and asks "Are you sure sugar that this is gonna be all"
Sissie lets a low growl from deep in her throat,"trust me" she purrs glaring at the waitress sliding a hand in toe back pocket of my jeans," he's well taken care of sweetie. Bless your heart you have a good day now."
As we pay Sissie pinches my ass making me cut my eyes to her . She smiles and shrugs her shoulders. I open the door and as she walks by I palm her ass with my hand and lean in and whisper in her ear," marking your territory? "
She throws a sassy look over her shoulder ,"you know it Boss. I thought you said something about riding with the wind?"

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