Candlelight and Cuffs Part 1

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Sissie POV

  I look around my bedroom and I am glad that I have it almost completely set up like I like it. I check the time and see if I am going to make it to Brantley's  by 7pm, then I need to pack my bag and get on the road. That man is up to something, I could tell and I know it doesn't have anything to do with me being here in this house instead of his. I am not sure I am ready for that just yet, besides Pop stipulated in his will  that I have to live in this house. I grab my purse as I walk out the door setting my bag down so I can lock the door. As I am getting in my car I stop and just breathe, I feel lighter , coming home is exactly what I need.

I pull up to the iron gates at B's  and stop to punch in the code. I am a little surprised that he had them shut usually if he is home he has them open for his friends to stop by. I pull up and  park my car in the garage and grab my stuff and head on in to the house. As I walk through the door, I see candles lit everywhere and flower petals making a trail upstairs.  I set my bag down and place my purse and keys on the table, "Brantley? what is going on?" There is absolute silence, so I head upstairs following the trail of flowers, it takes me to the bathroom and my mouth flies open. There in his massive sunken tub with jets is filled with bubbles, with candles on every surface. I didn't know the man owned so many candles. I see a note propped up,

Sissie, strip down and enjoy the bath. You deserve a long soak after unpacking today, turn the jets on and relax because what I have planned for you tonight you will need it. I love you! B

I can't help but tear up when I read his note, he thinks of the little things now. His sole focus since he came back into my life is how he can help me, support me, take care of me. It seems as if he craves to do all those things, not to be controlling but to show me he loves me. I have watched and he does it without even thinking about it, like it is second nature to him. As I settle down into the tub I can't help but let out a moan, this feels amazing and exactly what I need. I lay my head back and close my eyes just letting the jets work out the knots that have formed in my body.

Brantley POV
I stand in the shadows as Sissie follows the trail to the bathroom and when she walks in I can tell that she is surprised. As she reads the note I can see the tears in her eyes and then she turns to the tub and begins to strip. It is all I can do to stay back and let her have this time without me jumping ahead for what I planned later. She slips in the water and the moans I hear make me go rock hard. I can only imagine the sounds that I will pull from her body during the scene I have planned for us. This woman is the reason I can breathe at all, my sole focus tonight is to see to her needs, take care of her, and make her forget everything in the world even exists.

I stand and watch for a while and I softly make my way into the bathroom with a heated bath sheet. She opens her eyes as I am about to reach her and smiles the smile that makes me feel like I am Superman. "Hey darling, you about ready to get out now?" I ask her. She nods her head and I give her my hand to help her steady as she gets out. I dry her off and lead her into my bedroom, where I have closed the blackout curtains and have candles spread around the room. I see that she is eying my bed and she turns to me, " I have never seen a bed that massive before B"

"Well that may be because it is an original. I had it special made for me and my needs." I tell her as I lead her to the bed. She turns to me and says," Tonight is the night you are going to introduce me to your lifestyle and show me the rest of you ?"

"Yes baby tonight I am going to be in full control of your wants and needs and I plan on taking more orgasms from your body than you can imagine. I will push you and your boundaries. But if at any time you don't like something you can safe word. Green means you are good, Yellow means hold up and we will talk or slow down, Red stops it all in that instance. Do you understand baby?"

"Yes B I understand, I told you before that I was willing to explore my submissive nature and I trust you with my life."

When she said those words, I took her face in my hands and brought my lips down on hers, slowly kissing her and building up a fire within her that only I would be able to put out.

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