What Have I Done?

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Sissie POV

I am jolted awake by being tossed. I look around and everyone is startled, at that moment the captain comes over the speaker telling us to please fasten our seatbelts. As we all do this the plane jerks and jolts. All I can think about is Brantley and the time I lost with him. Why didn't I come home sooner? I lost my dad and now I am going to lose Brantley or more he is going to lose me. I don't want him to hurt but I know he will. I grab my phone and I begin to type a message

Brantley, I am so sorry that I stayed away for so long. I am so sorry that we lost so much time together because of my stubbornness. I love you and I always have and I will through all eternity. You are my heart and my soul and it hurts me knowing that you will only have this message left of me. You cannot give up, you will need to keep fighting the devil cause he never sleeps. Keep writing and keep telling your story for the world to see and hear. You have that gift and please don't stop cause it would be such a waste and that would hurt me more than anything you have ever done. These last 4 months have been the very best. You, my love, have made me into something I never thought would happen, and that is a woman who loves without question the man I see in you. I see all the wonders through your eyes. If you are reading this then it means that I didn't make it and something happened and my plane went down. I was coming to you because I felt in my soul something was wrong with you, that you needed me. My chest hurt like never before and I knew my place was with you. My place has always been with you, and throughout all eternity is where I will be , by your side. I love you B! Forever yours,Sissie

Just as I finish typing the plane jerks and makes an awful groaning sound of metal tearing. The lights go off and the oxygen masks come down and the announcement is made to prepare for a crash landing. I lean over and cover my head as we begin to drop.


I watch as Boss goes to VIP and I see the news, Jeff, Ben and myself are the only ones who know Sissie was coming to see Boss tonight. I listen for the news of what plane it was all the while I am trying to call Sissie , text her. Jeff is calling the airline and Ben is keeping an ear out for Boss so he can warn me. I'm starting to really worry as more and more pictures flash of the planes crash landing. There are reported several deaths but mostly survivors. The only thing is no word from Sissie. Jeff motions me over and I read his message from the airline. I nod and know what I have to do.
I can do this for Boss.
Boss comes out and I shake my head when he raises his eyes with the question in his eyes. He rubs his chest and takes a deep breath.

"PJ I am telling you something isn't right. I know it i feel it. Please make contact with some of your buddies and see if they can trace her down through her phone or credit cards or even car. Man I know I have to get on stage in 15 minutes but when I walk off I need an answer. I need to know where she is and what happened to her." he pleads with me .

"Boss I promise you I will have answers for you but that means me leaving right now to get on it." I respond.

"Go do what you have to, promise any amount of money you have to i don't care as long as you get me some answers !"

I nod and turn looking toward Jeff and he nods and I know exactly where I have to go.

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