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Looking at PJ, BG asks,"how bad was it?"
"Well he got a view if you know what I mean" PJ tells him."went to put his hand on her shoulder but I stopped him. She shut him down pretty hard "
" So you are telling me he saw her or just what the boys saw here? Cause if he saw her and he's still able to breathe normally I'm gonna kick your ass "
"Relax Boss, just what the boys saw, he tried to lean on in for a better peak but she kept backing away. Told him he couldn't handle a woman like her, oh and get this, said my Ole man would tear you to pieces."
"Damn woman ," he says with a chuckle,"Nothing but sass, heaven help me because I have my hands full. Said Ole man huh?"
"Yeah Boss you do " PJ says" and yep Ole man right after she told him she wore bigger heels than his dick"
BG starts laughing then sighs,' I will be back .I need to go deal with her but don't let anyone within twenty feet of this bus"
"You got it Boss" PJ says walking away.
Stepping onto the bus Brantley sees Sissie sitting on the couch "you keep chewing on that lip and you won't have one left for me to kiss Princess"
"How pissed are you?" she asks softly then throws her shoulders back getting a little backbone."I mean I handled if myself"
"Yes you did handle it yourself but if you had put on a damn bra before running off this bus, it might not have been so bad." pinching the bridge of his nose"hell princess , even Ben's jaw dropped when you got out of the truck and that horn dog thinks of you as a sister."
"Oh so now I am the responsible one that has to cover up even if I don't want to cause men can't control themselves " she says in a huff glaring at him.
"Didn't say that Sissie but you can at least put a damn bra on so what is MINE isn't out for the world to see he growls. I guess I could always just cover you in bite marks so you'd have to wear a damn turtleneck" he growls
Sissie stands up with her hand on her hip,"Brantley Keith that is so caveman! I cannot believe you are making this my fault"
"Well it's sure as hell not mine Princess" he says crossing his arms"its called a bra! Couple scraps of lace and some wire and tada. .,...they are covered"
"But then I couldn't do this" and she flashes him .
Growls,"Princess not gonna work this time"he says and stalks toward her.
"Oh shit" she gulps backing away and tripping over her feet trying to get away from him"now B..."
"You knew exactly what would happen when you pulled this stunt, now take it like a big girl"
"You wouldn't! " she snaps at him in challenge crossing her arms and glaring at him.
"Karissa, you know I would and I am going to. Last night changed a lot of things but this right here what you are about to get for not wearing a bra goes back over 11 years. Now I am gonna bend you over my knee and spank you ,because you know these are mine and mine only" he says as he cups her breast and squeezes.
"Fuck " she whimpers closing her eyes then tries to shake off the arousal
"Either you get to stripping those shorts off princess or I'm gonna shred them"
She glares at him but makes quick work of ridding her shorts . Brantley sits on the couch and pats his lap,"Come on Princess , tell me why you are getting this spanking."
Sissie looks at the floor,"cause I broke the rule you gave me when I was 17 and we were together that I wasn't to go anywhere without a bra especially if I wasn't with you cause these double d's are for you and you only."
"That's right this rule was from before when we were together and did you know it still applies?"
"Yes sir I did. "
"And yet you ran off the bus even after I said something?"
"Yes sir I did"
"Okay then you will receive 10 swats with my hand on your ass for your rule breaking. You will count each one"
"Yes sir" she says softly as he guides her across his knees biting her lip in anticipation.
Brantley smoothies his hand over one smooth round globe before pulling back to pop her sharply.
Five she says as a tear escapes
Seven biting her lip balding back a sob
Eight as the tears roll down her face
Nine her body trembles
He rubs his hand over her cherry red ass before pulling her up to look at him. "Now Sissie go lay on the bed and I will be back there to put lotion on your ass because it is bright red. She nods her head and shuffles to the back not seeing him crane his head watching the bright red handprints sway as she walked away. He adjusts himself thinking that this is going to be interesting.

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