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Sissie POV
We got back to the buses a few hours ago and B had to hit it running from interviews to VIP session and was now off getting his mind focused on the show he was about to do. Today was nice, it was something that I needed. He has always known when I needed to get out of my head, and had always been the one to do it. Used to make my daddy so mad because he could talk till he was blue in the face, and all B had to do was take one look at me and know what I needed. Most often it entailed throwing me over his shoulder and taking me for a ride on his bike to get away from everybody.
Today was a little different, I have never really just given in to B but there was something about the tone of his voice that made me get on the bike with a yes sir, WTF was up with that? Yes sir? I don't know what it was, I just felt this pull to listen and do exactly what he said. I can't explain it. Seemed like every nerve in my body sat up and paid attention with just that one tone. i know he promised to talk tonight and I know he said we would explore that later but I don't know what he meant and that confuses me even more.
  Shit, I muttered pushing my hair out of my face. I glanced at my phone sitting on the table in front of me. I could always call Lucy for advice but I knew I would more than likely get the being a good Old Lady speech that I have heard a thousand times over the years. I swear when Mama passed she took it upon herself to give me that speecch at least once a week. More if me and B were butting heads and I wasn't doing what they all wanted. Maybe that was it. I bit my lip in thought because I just couldn't shake the feeling that it was more than that....something bigger than all of this .

   Leaned against the side of the venue, I take another drag of my cigarette and rub my hand over my face deep in thought, before Jeff called me in for another interview. I have had a hard time tonight staying focused because I cannot get the image of Sissie's doe eyes out of my head whispering yes sir. God, if she just knew what that did to me.
I don't know if she realizes yet what it meant, but do I go there with her? My track record is 0/2 cause they both thought they could handle that side of me and in the end, they hated it. Jana, well she had been just as stubborn and bullheaded as I was and never gave up control. Never was her thing. Amber, well shit, honestly it had scared the hell out of her. She was always worried someone would find out and what people would think about her and us. Me , I never cared , hell most people may even think that anyway. But Sissie , on the other hand, even when we were younger, even if she didn't realize it, loved it when I put my foot down and took charge. It used to piss Carey off because he could spend half a day talking to her and I would come in and tell her how it was gonna be throw her over my shoulder and put her on the bike and she came back and did whatever Carey needed heer to do.
   But how do I approach her without her running for the hills, I had rather deny a part of me than go through living life without her again. Something about Sissie called to me since the first time I laid eyes on her all those years ago, but how to handle this is driving me crazy. I know the talk tonight may give me more answers, well I may try to feel her out by asking a few questions. All I really want to do is bury myself so deep inside her that I didn't know where I ended and she began . Just let my actions do the talking  but that could damn well backfire on me knowing how stubborn Sissie could be.
  Jeff walks out and motions me to come on, time to get my head right got a show to do and then I can focus on Sissie.

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