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Sissie POV

Brantley has just admitted that he is a Dominant and my mind is running a mile a minute with all kinds of questions when he pulls me back.
"Sissie  what is going through your mind? I see the wheels turning. Please talk to me baby?"
  "This is a lot to take in, not far fetched. Just if your trust me with your life and love me  then why would you be afraid to tell me?" I ask him.
  "Cause I can't lose you again and I was afraid that it would make you run. Wouldn't be the first time it happened ." He tells me resting his head in his hands.
   "Okay spill your guts Brantley Keith cause you need to fill me in on it all "  I tell him placing my hand on his back so he knows I am here ready to listen.
   He twists the rings around on his right hand, "let's just say I figured it out as I got older. Well , with Jana , it was a constant power struggle . She's even more stubborn than I am and could never fully submit. Made us both miserable.  Amber, fuck, it was exactly why things didn't work out with her. It scared her, she was uncomfortable always worried about it. What if someone found out, what would they say?  So yeah I was a little afraid to tell you even though I know you love me." he tells me.
" I do love you B, all of you. I knew you were a biker when we met all those years ago. Bikers if you didn't know tend to be bossy and used to getting their own way. You and I back then did some of those things. I just thought all people did that loved each other. So Jana wouldn't submit and Amber was afraid of someone in town would find out, well I am not either one of them. Yes I fight you on some things always have probably always will but thinking back I have deferred to you on so many occasions and Amber being afraid , well you know being an MC Princess , I didn't care then and I sure as hell don't care now what someone thinks about my private life. It's none of their damn business . Yes I understand that some people are still small minded in the year 2015 but who gives a rats ass about them. As long as you and I are consenting adults, it ain't none of their damn business! So what you are telling me is you thought that I, Sissie Brown MC Princess would run because for lack of better words, you liked to have kinky sex? Oh hell no! My daddy didn't raise a scaredy cat bitch."
"Well when you put it that way, " he growls "you make me sound like a chicken shit. But yeah, that was why I was scared. I want you, any way I can get you, even if it meant denying myself that part."
" B, you've got me, you've got all of me. Always have, always will. I couldn't give you up now that I have you again. I finally feel complete." I tell him.
"And the rest?" He asks with questions in his green eyes.
"I'm willing to try, willing to learn, whatever I need to" laying my hand on his squeezing.
"Princess are you sure? Cause I am okay like we are as long as I have you" he tells me searching my eyes with his green ones.
I bite my lip and shake my head yes, I may not know what to do but I trust B completely.
"Princess " he growls I bite my lip looking at him ," Yes Sir?"
"Fuuuck" he growls "if you only knew how hot that is woman. Dammit to hell woman you really have no clue "
"What that I want you, that you want me , what don't I know ?" I whisper tracing his tattoo on his arm.
"Biting that lip has always drove me crazy and you damn well know it but throw in the Yes Sir, Jesus honey, I am hard enough to drive nails" he says dropping his voice an octave to where it is rough.
" Got any cuffs hidden on this bus? I mean I do remember you used to keep a pair all the time." I ask my voice giving me away at my want. He places his lips next to my ear chuckling darkly "I might Princess? That what you want baby doll?"
Whimpering I nod my head, "please?" And with that one word, he scoops me up and stalks to the bedroom.

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