Where the Hell is She?

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Brantley POV

I wake up and grab a shower knowing that today was gonna be a doozy. Carey floored both me and Sissie yesterday with his will, well stipulations of being able to know the will. I mean he and I had talked at length about somehow getting Sissie to come back home to Jefferson. Especially after last year when their was a student who was stalking her. Hell I think if I had known that he was sick I would have went to Atlanta and drug her ass home. Although I know that if she had known she would have been here right by his side. She loved her daddy and he loved his little girl. I stand and let the hot water run over me cause I know that today is going to be hell. Sissie was in shock yesterday and today won't be good.
   I finish up and head downstairs knowing she is probably curled up in a chair or in the swing on the back porch thinking. She has a lot to process, and knowing her she's getting lost in her head and that is never a good thing. I didn't mean to sleep so long but it was around 4 am before I could go to sleep . It's now 3 pm and I bounce out on to the back porch after getting some coffee and Sissie isn't there. I head back upstairs thinking she was sleeping and when I walked into the guest room and saw that the bed looked like it hadn't been slept in and her bag was gone I lost it.
"Fuck I know that damn stubborn ass woman didn't run without saying something to me." I hit the wall "holy fucking hell Sissie" I go to my room and out my boots on grabbing my phone hoping and praying she is at the club.
    I pull in on two wheels and throw the truck in park jumping out and running inside yelling"Where is she Luce? Please tell me that stubborn woman is here or you have talked to her?" I bend over with my chest heaving pleading with my eyes for Luce to tell me she was at the store.
"Shit " Luce exclaims " she ran again didn't she? Damn girl,  we should have known she would do it with what the old coot threw at her yesterday. Sorry Boss my best guess would be the cemetery and then Atlanta since she has to finish the year."
  "Fuck" I say as I take my hat off and sling it. I pick it up and growl "thanks Luce" as I stomp out the door thinking the whole time I am gonna spank her ass when I get my hands on her for making me worry and running . I get inside the truck and haul ass to the cemetery looking for her. 
   She wasn't there but I give him a piece of my mind "dammit Carey you have really done it this time!!! I am so pissed off at you, man I would have gotten you the best damn doctors in the world just not to see baby doll cry and to help you old man.Why the hell did you not tell me ?!! Fuck you !! You old bastard I loved you like my dad...did you not think I would want to be able to tell you goodbye..let you know I would take care of our girl ???!!!!! Only now I just pray she hasn't taken off like last time....serves you right if she has you damn meddling old man ...you may have cost me my one fucking chance!!!!! I love you man even pissed off as I am " I angrily wipe the tears away as I get in the truck. I debate about sending her a message but decide not to because if she has just went to Atlanta I don't want to spook her.  I see it is 6pm and she is probably still at school grading all the papers from this last week she missed. Sighing I turn my truck around and head back to my house. The drive all I can think about is how is she handling the news Carey wants her to move back to Jefferson for a year and it makes me think maybe just maybe  she's not running for good but needs some time to think.
   As I pull in the drive my phone rings I almost didn't answer it until I see at the last second its Sissie .


B? She asks hesitantly

Yeah Sissie I am here

C-ca-can you come to m-my house? I'm scared someone was outside

Baby doll I am on my way, lock the doors and get your gun don't go anywhere without your phone or the gun okay? Be there in 30 or sooner if I can push it harder. Love you Sissie

I send a text to Andy my friend in the sheriffs department what was going on and that there better not be a deputy in 3 counties dare to pull me over cause I was on a mission to get to her since she called me. All I can think as I push my truck hard as it will go is ....she called me.

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