Decisions and Lunch

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Sissie POV

All I can think about is the man that is laying in my guest room and the fact that when I called he dropped everything to come to me. Yeah I had pissed him off but when he realized I wasn't totally running he cooled a little and was going to leave. I surprised myself with asking him to stay. It was a rough conversation but I can see it is just the start of many tough ones. I have to make a decision by Friday on the job in Jefferson. I want to go home but I am afraid .... afraid that I will lose myself in B again and I know that without Daddy here I won't be able to come back from it this time. I meant it that man was it for me. But am I enough for him? I decide to get up and head on in to work because I have essays to grade. I leave B a note that I am at work and that I appreciate him coming and staying. I also tell him to let me know when he gets up what his plans are.
I am testing my sophomores when there is a knock on my door. I get up from my desk to answer it and when I open the door B is propped against my door wearing a pair of old ratty jeans without those sweatpants and a tight white tshirt that stretches across his shoulders with every movement. And his signature black hat is turned around backwards. I bite my lip as I check him out.
"Yes B can I help you?"
"Well darlin I was hoping you would have lunch with me" he says holding up a bag . I open the door and let him enter. My class looks up and the girls all take notice of him and I roll my eyes and whisper,"Could you have dressed down a little B? I mean I do teach hormonal teenage girls"
He smirks and whispers back,"yeah I seem to have had an effect on a hormonal teenage girl a time or two but its been a while so forgive me ?"
The bell rings and the kids file out placing their exams in the tray.
"What's in the bag hotshot?"
"Cheeseburger all the way with steak fries and of course sweet tea to drink princess"
I dig in cause it is so good and we eat in silence and I am trying to come up with a way to ask him about tour this summer when he asks"you still a Kenny fan?"
I grin "yeah I am "
"Well you know I happen to be on this tour this summer with him and I can fix it to get you to a couple of shows if you would like that, you know get a break from everything "

"Yes I would like that I have been trying to figure out how to ask you but you know me in just gonna come out and ask do you think it would be possible for me to travel with you this summer on your tour? I have been thinking and well maybe it is time to go home but I'm not ready to go there just yet."

Hiding a smirk he takes a drink and puts a blank look on his face ,"Princess it will not be a problem for you to travel with me. We'd be glad to have you out with us . I will be back and forth at home on my time off if that is okay?"

"Its fine. I know that was one of the stipulations of the will and after talking with you last night and getting those papers yesterday I am gonna resign my position here and take the job in Jefferson . I will move home but keep my house for now. I am not sure that I am ready but once again Daddy is right it is time for me to go home. He always said I stayed with my head stuck in a book to much and I needed to live and get more life experience."

"Well honey I can promise you can get a full experience on tour," he said laughing . "it can be something else let me tell you. Will have to excuse the boys sometimes they can get a little crazy."

I take a drink and smile," Are you forgetting I was raised in an MC and have pretty much been a staple at the clubhouse from the time I was 10 . not much of anything shocks me anymore. Not to mention a certain bad boy I dated back in Jefferson"

He starts laughing holding his hands up "yep you got me there Darlin they can be tame compared to some of the MC shit that goes down but bad boy.....what bad boy???? I was a perfect angel"

"I call bullshit Brantley Keith you were definitely no angel and every bit of the bad boy. Sneaking me out of the house at 2am to go riding and park down by the creek, not to mention shooting buckshot at streetsigns or how about taking your baseball bat to some mailboxes I need to continue cause I have plenty more" I say laughing

He leans across the table grinning that up to no good grin ...I think you are forgetting the night we snack onto the football field and...I reach over and cover his mouth turning bright red ,"don't you dare finish that sentence B!"

"What can't take the heat Ms Brown? Oh I get it you are a hard ass now , authority figure but what they all don't know is that you my darling were a rebel . Hmmmmm, good to know " he says as he winks at me ,"if you ask me that girl is still there she's just buried under business clothes and pulled back hair"

Crossing my arms I glare at him,"we'll just have to see about that . Won't we?"
He stands up and leans down to kiss my cheek and gets close to my ear "is that a challenge Darlin? Because you know I am always up for one"

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