Flashback Christmas 2003

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Sissie POV

  Tonight is the annual club Christmas party, I am finishing my hair when I hear Brantley's truck pull up. I thought we had agreed to just meet up at the club because he had some things he needed to do or so he said. I walk downstairs and open the door and my heart jumps in my chest. What a sight, Brantley is leaned against his truck with his arms crossed over his chest with his club jacket on jeans and boots, with his hat turned backward. Damn he looks good enough to eat.
"Hey there outlaw what's up? I thought we were meeting at the club?"
"Well I got finished and thought I would come by and pick you up and give you your Christmas present but if you don't want that then I will see you at the club" and he turns to get in the truck .
"Hold on there B, let me lock up and I will come with you."
I run in an get his present and put it I my bag, grab my keys and lock up. As I run to Brantley he picks me up and spins me around," thought you would see things my way darlin. But we have a stop to make on the way. "
I cock an eyebrow at him and he does the smirk that makes my insides quiver. I know that what I have to tell him well it could go one of two ways and I'm a little nervous. He climbs in behind me and we are singing and talking when I notice it has started snowing . Well hells bells we may have a white Christmas in Georgia. I look at B and he grins and squeezes my thigh and says," this is so perfect darlin"
  He pulls in and stops and gets me out, "Brantley Keith it has dropped 10 degrees and is snowing so what are we doing in the middle of nowhere?"
   "Princess look around and see if you recognize this place "
  I look around," Oh my god B this is where you brought me on our first date!"
   He starts leading me to this oak tree that we sat under and there is a blanket on the ground with 2 presents sitting on the ground. As we walk over I can't help but smile and know this is gonna be the best Christmas of my life.  As we sit down B pulls me back into him where I am between his legs and hands me the first box  , in the box is a pair of earrings made out of spent shell casings.  The second box I open and it is a black leather jacket but not just any leather jacket on the left side pocket has a patch Princess stitched with a set of angel wings and crown below it . B reaches around me  and turns it over and on the back it has the MC logo and Property of Boss . I turn to look at him and he says," Sissie will you be my Old Lady? I know we are young and you have college and I have music dreams but I know that you are it for me so I have talked to your dad and gotten his permission to ask you. You make my life complete but not only do i want to make you my Old Lady I want to make you my wife, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me? "

   "B as much as I want to say yes I need to give you something and if you feel the same way then Yes I will be proud to carry your property patch and to marry you."
  I pull out his present and he opens it and smiles before pulling me in for a kiss. " I love it Sissie . will you put it on my finger?" I take the silver biker ring I had special made with a pair of wings and crown with our initials in the cross in the middle . I place it on his left ring finger and he smiles at the perfect fit. Then I get the other box and hand to him and as he opens it he looks at me and I can't read his face. He says," Sissie is this real ?"
"Yes B"
He pulls out the onesie I had bought that said," My daddy may be sexy but my Mama is crazy, don't mess with him."
" Sissie you and I are gonna have a baby?"
"Yes B" and that was all I could get out before he pulled me in and kissed me. "Baby will you marry me?" I can only nod my head and next thing I know B is putting a ring on my left hand . It is a small single diamond and I love it!! I can't stop looking at it and then back at B . He looks at me and said," have you told your dad?"
"No i wanted to tell you first"
"Good we can tell them all tonight at the party" he says pulling me up, "speaking of which we need to get to before Casey sends out a search party for us. He knew I was gonna ask but told me not to be late."
  We grab the stuff and as I am about to get in the truck B stops me and bends down "hey there peanut this is your daddy and I just want you to know I love you already"
  I can't help but cry happy tears because my whole world is complete, I have B our baby and the MC.

    When we pull into the MC lot, I slip on my jacket and B smiles picking up the onesie and putting it in his pocket. We walk in to a chorus of Merry Christmas and hellos. Dad walks over and looks at my jacket and hugs me and whispers in my ear," are you sure princess?"
I smile," yeah daddy I love him with all my heart"
He smiles, " I can tell the feeling is mutual"
He whistles and everyone stops and turns to look," Well as you all know I love Sissie like no other but looks like another man has taken her heart and she is now the property of Boss here. "
   Everyone cheers and Brantley looks and says," tonight I asked Sissie to be my Old Lady and my wife and she said yes but she also told me something else" he holds up the onesie and you can see the surprise on their faces and everyone looks to my dad who is looking at me and says,"I'm gonna be a grandpa?"
I nod my head and he picks me up and spins me around. Yelling "I'm gonna be a grandpa!!!! Best Christmas Ever!!!" I laugh as he does this and he sets me down hugging me . He hugs Brantley and then he tells him"you better treat them both right you here me son"
"Yes sir I promise" B tells him .
Lucy yells,"Foods on so come on before it gets cold!"
I watch as my family gathers round talking and I know that this is the best Christmas ever, I have B , our baby and a wonderful family.

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