Calling in Favors

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  After Boss tells me to go I hit the number in my phone that I have always hoped and prayed that I would never need as I jog toward the truck and heard it ring and he picked up on the see and ring.

"Hey PJ "

"Joe I hate to ask but we need your help" I tell him.

"Anything you need PJ what can I do?"Joe asks

"First are you home?"

"Yeah I am . okay PJ just tell me what is going on"

"Joe can you get to Lafayette in case you haven't seen there was a plane that did a crash landing. It was headed to Colorado from Atlanta but had a stop there. Some are dead and Sissie was on that plane. Boss has no idea she was coming to surprise him. I need someone there to find her. I can't get through to her cell and she is listed as missing on the airline email to Jeff. "

"No problem PJ I will find her and deliver her personally to BG, although you know Bella will want to tag along. "

"I appreciate it Joe, I will be waiting to hear from you. Bring that sassy woman of yours because I think she may be just what this bunch needs after this."

"Bella grab our go bags and get in the truck we have a mission" Joe yells "leaving now I have made it in 30 minutes before so I will check in 45 minutes from now"

I hang up and pray that Joe has good news when he calls back. I make a couple of more calls getting a private plane in place to fly them here so when Boss walks off the stage I will have at least and update for him. Now the thing will be to contain him if she's hurt caused he will lose it and tear this place apart. As I am waiting I see the lights go out and hear an announcement. Thank you God for technical difficulties. 
My phone startles me," Joe tell me you found her"

"PJ I have her, she's banged up a good bit but she was trying to avoid everyone so she could find a way to get to BG. I had to show her pictures of all of us before she would believe me. Now I know you have a plane for us so give me the info and I will see you in a couple of hours, give or take"

Jeff walks up and I relay the message and he breathes a sigh of relief. "She should get here before he finishes then. "

"Yeah I am heading to the landing strip now and bring them back here."

Waiting at the landing strip I see them come in for landing and as soon as they stop I am out of the truck. The door opens and the steps are down Joe coming down first and then I see her, and I take off in a jog. "Sissie oh my look at you girl, I just thought I was happy to see you before"
She grabs hold with one arm wrapping around me and I look over her head at Joe and Bella with tears in my eyes and mouth thank you. Bella smiles and Joe wraps his arms around her.
Sissie pulls back "enough PJ get me to B something is wrong I feel it in my chest and he needs me. "
As we head for the truck , I knew it had been to good to be true when Bella says," okay now that the serious part is over I just got to know Sissie is BG all growly and caveman? "
Joe says," Christ Bella can you not do this right now?"
With that innocent look but devils dancing in her eyes," well she would know and unlike some who had a stick up their ass Sissie I can tell is different. And don't tell me she isn't cause you and I both can spot a submissive a mile away. "
I side eye Sissie and she is grinning and hooks her good arm through Bella's ," Oh is he ever! Let me tell you I thought he was caveman at 19 but that was a joke compared to now. And growl well that is about the sexiest damn thing I have ever heard."

Joe looks at me," could have warned me his new girl was a submissive and that she was a spitfire.  Let me tell you, when I found her she was giving a TSA agent a piece of her mind, I half expected her to be packing the way she doesn't back down. "

I laugh and clap him on the back," at home and not having to get on an airplane yeah she would have been but you need to watch out for the crowbar. Ask Boss about that one"

"Sounds like a good story but that worries me" Joe says pointing to the 2 women ahead of us with their heads together giggling.
"Oh I can guarantee that isn't good but right now that giggle of shenanigans is a good sound to hear."

I help Sissie in the truck and she kisses my cheek,"Thanks PJ now get me to B or you will see that crowbar you just told Capt Joe about"
I gulp, "yes ma'am we will be there in 15 minutes."
I can't wipe the smile off my face as I get in the truck and head to the venue.

I walk Sissie in and she hugs Jeff and heads to the side stage with Bella and Joe in tow behind her. As we stand at the side Boss is singing Grown Ass Man and you can tell he is getting choked up and he talks to the crowd expressing his thanks and love for them and how they make him feel and I can tell the moment he senses that Sissie is here. He turns and his eyes go wide taking in her appearance, the left arm in a sling the bandage on her head and he stands up and makes his way to the side.
    Standing in front of her, he leans down and gently kisses her lips. "We will talk later and you can explain. God Sissie you have had me so worried"

"She smiles and places her hand on his cheek, " okay but we are also gonna talk about you being this sick and still performing. And keeping it from me Brantley Keith. You know good and well I can feel it"

"Yes ma'am but looks like you have something to tell me ..."

I see as he finally puts it all together.
"Karissa June you were on the plane from Atlanta that crashed in Louisiana? " she nods holding the tears back but just barely. He turns to Joe and Bella and says," thank y'all I take it you went and got her and brought her here."

"No problem BG anything for a friend." Joe tells him as he pulls Bella closer growling "don't even think about it Princess "

Bella stomps her foot and looks at Sissie, " See I told you he spoils all the fun when it comes to BG"
Sissie laughs and whispers," I got you covered" and she leans over and pinches BG on the ass causing him to jump and growl,"Woman"

Sissie winks as Bella claps her hands ,"oh he growls just like you said!!!"

Boss turns and heads back to the center of stage shaking his head but with a smile on his face.

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