What happiness looks like

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Brantley POV

I walked back into the bedroom of my bus, leaning against the doorway with a goofy grin on my face, one I know that the band would have a field day over. I had groaned when the hot water hit my back while in the shower, But I wouldn't trade this feeling for anything in the world. I finally had Sissie where I desperately wanted her for years. I watched her sleep peacefully with an arm stretched out to my pillow. A soft smile on her lips as the sunlight filtered in making her blonde hair look like strands of gold. Watching her sleep never gets old , it is the only time she lets down her defenses , well one of two I should say. I meant what I told her last night ...I am all in. I won't let her go again. I walk over to the bed and she begins to stir and her hand is reaching searching , and then she says ,"B?"
"Right here princess" I say before leaning over and kissing her forehead. She opens her eyes and that half asleep heavy eyes punches me in the gut and I am hit with a wave of desire so strong I have to grit my teeth. I know I don't have time because of my schedule but she makes me want to say Fuck the schedule and stay right here on the bus from now on.
  "You showered already ?" She asks a little confused.
"Yeah princess I have an interview this morning so I have to get dressed. But you can take your time. I will be back to get you after the interview I have plans for us today, think biker babe when you get ready okay." I tell her.
   "Okay sounds like a plan, now do I get a good morning kiss or are you a love me and leave me guy Mr Gilbert" she says winking at me. I bend down placing my hands on both sides of her head making her retreat until she is laid out on the bed under me and as I lean down my lips an inch away from hers I whisper, "not leaving you again and not gonna let you leave me either " she sighs and I lean down connecting our lips. Her kiss has always been my weakness , in it I get lost and forget the world exists.
There is a knock on the door," BG you ready " PJ asks. "Yeah man I'm coming" I turn back to Sissie and kiss her lips softly "I will be back , so get ready "
As I get to the door I turn around one more time and she is laying there in my bed with a smile on her face, and that is what I take with me, she is happy, truly happy and it is with me.

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