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Sissie POV

B nuzzles my face nipping my jawline until we hear a banging on the bus,"Dammit BG we got soundcheck so get your ass up and ready" PJ yells.
"Fuck off PJ" I yell then look at B biting my lip,"oops" I whisper.
Laughing he kisses my forehead,"you don't stop being who you are Sissie that is the biggest thing about us. This will only work if you are true to yourself. And I agree with you ,"fuck off PJ" he yells.
"Okay " I say with a laugh as he lowers his head to kiss me. "Dammit BG!!! Pull your ass away from Princess before I send Ben in and we all know he has no shame!!"
"Don't you fucking dare PJ" I yell "cause we don't need B going to jail for murder. He will be out in 20 minutes I promise "
"Make it 10 !!!" PJ yells back "Jeff is looking for him. If you can do that Sissie I will be sweet enough to take you on a Starbucks run"
"Hot damn you got a deal PJ." I look at B,"work calls for you soooo can we pick this up later on?"
B smiles,"Princess you can guarandamntee believe we will be picking this up later."
I wink at him as I look for a pair of shorts,"may have to find something to be sassy about later"
He growls,"princess " I look over my shoulder and bat my eyes,"but you got work first"
"Fuck" he grumbles pulling on a pair of jeans,"So not fair. I need a week of your ass and nothing but a bed and not the first damn interruption "
"Well I do believe you have a break coming up in a couple of weeks " I tell him.
"Can't get here soon enough" he says with a sigh. He narrows bus eyes as I walk to the door. "Sissie did you not put a bra on ?"
"Maybe or maybe not you have to find out later, work calls"
"Princess!!! " he yells at me hopping around trying to get his boots on .
"Gotta go B ! Have a good sound check , love you!" I say running out the door.
"Sissie get your ass back here right now !!" he growls as he steps off the bus.
I push PJ toward the truck ,"we got to go and right now PJ"
PJ shakes his head as we pull off ,'oh honey what have you done now?"
"Well B asked if I didn't put a bra on and I told him maybe or maybe not he would just have to find out later " I explain
PJ shakes his head,"girl you won't be able to sit down tomorrow when he finishes with you"
Slipping my glasses on " that may be the plan" I smirk.
"Girl I can already tell you are gonna give that man twitchy palms" and he throws his head back and laughs,"this is gonna be fun"

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