Oh Hell No

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Sissie POV
I watch as Brantley walks out and I roll over not able to contain the smile on my face. Last night was more than I  ever imagined it could be, he was so much more than I imagined . After 11 years that man still knows my body better than I do. And I just thought he knew it at 19 , hell , 11 years later and I feel like it was my first time only 1000 times better. As I stretch I feel the soreness in my muscles that aren't used to being used, 11 years is a long time to go without sex with a man. And well toys just don't hold any comparison to him and well if I am honest neither did any of they guys I went out with, most never made it past the first date. I get in the shower and enjoy the spray of hot water on my sore muscles. I get out and dry my hair and as I go to do my makeup .....fuck!!! No,No,No i do not believe him. I just let him talk me into a ride. Shit!!! That is what he has planned ....he knows I am not ready for that. That would show everyone that I belonged to him...I did all those years ago, still have the ink to prove it but I am not ready for that ...fucking biker! I will just not get on it. I can dress like it doesn't mean I have to ride.  I finish my makeup and pull on a pair of skin tight jeans that are so soft because they are so old and well worn and I pull out my HD babydoll T-shirt that shows off my girls and the flat stomach I work hard to keep.    
Slipping on her boots, she hears the door up front open and then"Sissie you ready?" comes from B .
"Yeah just putting my shoes on B" he comes to the door and props up . He is wearing a black tank top , ripped jeans with no sweatpants underneath, and I will be damned if he isn't wearing that black ball cap turned backwards just to drive me crazy. It has always been a weakness of mine and he fucking knows it. He smirks as he gives me a once over taking in my hair that is up in a ponytail and the clothes I have on. He grabs my hand and pulls me up, "Come on Princess we are wasting daylight"
  I let him pull me off the bus and I stop dead in my tracks when I see the black beast of a motorcycle sitting parked by his black truck. He grabs his vest and slips it on and hands me a helmet. I step back while stomping my foot and pointing my finger at him,"Dammit Brantley Keith I told you I was not ready for this and just like every other time you dont listen to me. Yes I did it after the funeral ....I didn't have a choice but today I have a fucking choice and I say not no but Hell No!"
  He reaches for my hand and I slap it away growling," no"
  "Now Baby girl, just get on the bike, you know you want to .Can you tell me you didn't enjoy it the other day?"
"No, I growl, I am not getting on that beast of a bike, go for your own damn ride mister"
   Dropping his voice an octave,"Sissie I told you I was all in last night . So get your sweet little ass on this bike or deal with the consequences. I meant what I said you are it, always have been, always will be"
"But how can I be sure....I whisper but was cut off with a glare and a deep animalistic growl. Brantley leans down getting in my face "finish that sentence princess and I will tan that pretty little ass.Now do you want to do this the easy way or the hard way?"
  I take a deep breath and glare at him with my arms crossed,"you expect me to climb on that bike and declare to the world that I am a taken woman, an old lady, and what you just waltz around free as a bird.NO...WAY...IN...HELL!"
   "Damn right I do ," he says through clenched teeth ,"and if I dint get the message across last night I'd be glad to go another round! I'm as taken as can be sweetheart and by you!!! Want me to play shirtless tonight so God and everybody can see the marks you left on me . I gladly will do that"
  Stepping back gasping ....he pulls me to him and kisses me hard ..."Now Karissa June....get....on....the....bike...."
   I feel something deep inside and before I could stop it I whisper to  him," Yes Sir"
    He chuckles darkly before holding out a hand to help me climb on. He hands me my helmet and leans down to kiss my cheek and nips my earlobe with a grin and whispers," On we may just have to explore that right there later baby doll."

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