The Club Part 1

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Sissie POV

After we take care of the things at the funeral home, Deke tells me that the ol' ladies had prepared a meal back at the club. I nod and climb in Brantley's truck and I stare out the window watching the small town I grew up in roll by. I left 11years ago and never came back. Daddy paid for school even though for a whole year I never answered him back. He would drive to Athens and watch me, make sure I was okay and drive back to Jefferson. The thing that changed my mind was when I got sick and the school called him. When I woke up, Daddy was sitting by my bed holding my hand crying. We talked it out and agreed that he would come every other week to visit me because he saw how I was thriving and I was happy. He moved me to Atlanta making sure I was in a safe neighborhood and visiting me every other week for the past 9 years. I feel the tears fall as I think about all the memories we made over the years and the trips we took together.
I glance over at the man that has been a rock to me even though I was a bitch to him and cut him out for the past 11 years. I don't know what to think or feel. I gave him my heart when I was 16 years old and then watching him ripped it out when I was 19. I don't know if I can recover from that. Its been 11 years and I still feel that tingle when he looks at me and electricity when he touches me. Daddy has been after me for the past 18 months to come back and try to talk to Brantley and work things out since he was sober. Truth was I didn't want to see him because it hurt knowing he was moving on past me, and no matter what I did I couldn't get away from him. He was on the radio, TV, magazines, and my own dad wouldn't shut up about him. I know Daddy hoped that we would see each other and wind up back together but I don't know. We are different people now, the girl he knew well she is gone. I killed her when I pulled out of Jefferson and never looked back.
I am so lost in my own thoughts that I don't realize we have pulled in and parked until Brantley is touching my arm asking, "Sissie you okay sweetheart?"
I try to smile and nod my head," just lost in the memories inside my head."

"Yeah coming home has a way of doing that to a person" he tells me. I look at him and see something I haven't ever seen in his eyes almost like regret. I hear the yells and I know that we have to get out. Brantley comes around and opens my door and helps me down out of his truck. I let him take my hand because I am not sure I am ready for what is ahead.
We are a couple of steps away from B's truck and I am clinging to his hand when I see Lucy pushing everyone out of her way. She pulls me away from BG and says," it's about damn time you drug your ass home , God I missed you ain't nobody round here know shit on how things are supposed to go since you left. The pickings went to hell in a handbasket"

"Haven't gotten them trained right huh Lucy ?"

"Hell no they are all clueless. Come on you're looking a little skinny lets get some meat on them bones"

"Yeah well can't find food like you cook in Atlanta and I still haven't figured out how to cook for one person after 11 years so I don't usually cook just eat out"

Lucy smirks and hands her plates to set the table and glances over at Brantley across the room. Well darlin its time for you to find someone to cook for. I know someone that needs a good home cooked meal regularly, eats on the road way to much"

Sissie looks at Brantley and says," Don't go there Lucy...Please ...I don't have the strength for this....not today. Can't we have one meal without you trying to matchmake with me and him...too much time too many waters"

Takes her long red painted fingernail and shakes it "Don't you sass me girl!when you gonna go there if not today, Sissie? cause I can see it in your eyes you are already planning your escape."

"Do you blame me? I have lost the only family I had left ! You want me to chase after the man who broke my heart. Ripped it wide open. I left that behind Dammit for that reason "

"Oh girl you are wrong there you ran but you didn't leave it behind, I know cause you were raised in this MC and you know once you ride behind a man on a bike there ain't any other man except after his death"

"Well good thing I have no plans on any other man then because I am not going to be hurt like that again. I have a damn good life in Atlanta and as soon as this is done I am gone."

Lucy laughs ,"Honey if you think Boss is gonna let you walk out of his life again without a fight you have another thing coming sweetheart."

"Boss ain't gonna have a choice in the matter. I left before I can leave again . Besides you and I both know that he has moved on matter of fact not too long after me know... The love of his life ...inspiration for a lot of his songs and just got out of an engagement."

"Oh please honey don't make me laugh. If you think half of that shit is about Amber, honey you are mistaken. And Jana, don't get me started on her bitch ass . Go on leave, guarantee it will give us all a hell of a show when he drags your ass back into town thrown over his shoulder."

"He wouldn't dare cause I may not have had to use a crowbar lately but that don't mean I forgot how Lucy"

Lucy narrows her eyes," And that man sitting over there isn't the lanky 19 year old boy you left behind. He's a grown ass man Sissie and you would do good to take notice of that fact missy"

"I can still take him with a crowbar that man ain't superman"

"Nah sweetheart, he's not but I bet you don't get much of a swing off before he stops you. Every woman needs a good ass spanking now and again....keeps us honest"

I just roll my eyes "was it not you that told me to always keep the upper hand ? Well I am doing just that , B well he knows me the best of who I was , only daddy knew who I have become. "

Smacks me on the ass and grins," well darlin then it will be like getting to know each other all over again . Should make things fun .God knows you two used to be able to light up a city block with the sparks yall put off"

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