Everyday Life

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Sissie PoV

       I am working in my classroom at Jefferson High School getting things moved in and set up when I hear a throat clear. I turn to see who is there and now I wish I hadn't dressed in a tank top and cut offs when I see Marci Green standing in my doorway dressed in a shift dress complete with pearls and heels. She was always a problem for me in school and Ashley had informed me that she was a teacher at the school.                                                                                               

    I step down off the step ladder and walk towards her, "What can I help you with Marci?" She smiles that same fake ass bitch smile at me and said," I was just stopping by to see if the rumor I heard was true" I know I will regret asking this but" What rumor might that be?"  She looks at her nails and then says" Oh you know the one where the biker trash has been hired to teach English here at Jefferson"  I smile back at Marci, "Well I don't know about that but I do know that I have come home for good and have been hired to teach English. I would have thought by now that you would have been over the attitude that you had in high school but I guess that is why you haven't trapped a man into marrying you yet. Now if you are through with your petty display I really need to get back to work. After all, I do have a class room to prepare for my students." Marci glares at me and as she turns," Well what is your excuse for not having a man Karissa?" Laughing I reply," Oh I have a man. an ALPHA man and you know him too,  I mean you chased him all through school even went as far as doing a whipped cream bikini, Brantley is mine." She stomps off as I laugh and go back to work knowing I have a short time to get this done before I have to head home, so I can get ready for the bonfire at B's tonight.

        I think how far we have come since he showed up at my school in Atlanta. Everything that I didn't know about myself, Brantley has helped me learn. He has opened up so many things in my life, mainly that it is okay to feel whatever I am feeling , hurt, anger, sadness, joy or a million other emotions. Repressing who I am and what I feel has been my go to for so many years, it's hard to open up that part of myself again, it scares the hell out of me. B swears that he is in it for the long haul but I am still a little shaky on it all. I am trying with everything that I have to get past my insecurities but days like today when I have to deal with the petty people from high school it all comes flooding back.

On my way home Ashley calls, "Sissie I am headed to your house to help you get ready for tonight."

"Ash, it's a bonfire at B's there isn't much to get ready. I have everything all ready to load up I cooked last night. " I tell her.

"Girlfriend you know good and well this isn't just any bonfire at B's. This will be the first bonfire that he has had since y'all got back together and you need to bring him to his knees " she tells me.

Groaning as I pull in my driveway, Ash gets out of her old Jeep, the one we used to ride in in high school. "Thought Eli said he was selling the Jeep"

"Not his to sell, besides don't let than man fool you he loves this jeep as much as I do. Lots of memories in this and since the kids are staying with the grandparents tonight, I brought her out for old times sake. Now we got to get you inside and get you looking smoking hot!"

"Why do I feel like I am missing a key part ?" I ask as she shoves me through the door. I head straight to the shower and jump in cause I am filthy from working in my classroom all day, but it is done, ready for students .

Coming out of my bathroom Ash is sitting on my bed with my oldest pair of cutoffs laid out and a black tank top. "Ashley Cooper I am not wearing those shorts. You know that they could split into any time and besides I can't wear underwear with them, nope not happening"

"Yes you are Karissa, listen to me, you know these are B's favorite and you know you always feel like a badass in them cause they make your but look good. They fit you like a second skin. So yes you are gonna wear them. now hurry your ass up and get ready before Eli and B send out a damn search party."

I roll my eyes but pull them on, slipping on a black bra with lace and tugging on the black tank top. I go to my closet and pull out my old black boots slipping them on. I braid my hair to the side securing it cause it is still hot as hell in August in Georgia. I do my makeup and go to the kitchen to get the brownies and cake I had made. Ashley smiles at me and says,"You are only missing one thing and that is your vest"

Shaking my head no," Ashley B and I haven't talked about that yet. I can't just show up with my property vest on. "

"Do you love him? "

"Yes you know I do and have since I was 16"

"And you are in a Dom/sub relationship with him?"

"Yes you know that Ashley"

"Then it's time for you to claim him openly. He has done everything for you and I am telling you that he is waiting on you to make the next move. Wear the vest, also it stakes claim to him but it stakes claim to you. I'm taking the food to the jeep while you decide."

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