Concert Part 2

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Brantley POV

I make eye contact with Sissie during Picture and I see that she is finally seeing what I have been trying to tell her.... I have changed and I need her and love her , that I have never stopped loving her after all these years. I finish my set and do the encore. I walk over and see that she is affected by my songs. Jeff comes up and says its time to clean up and then do a couple of interviews. I go with him knowing that PJ has Sissie and she will enjoy Jason's set and I hope to be back in time for when Kenny goes onstage.

I am finishing my interview and Kenny come by and stops "Hey BG any song in particular that will help you out brother?"
I grin ,"Yeah, the first song we ever danced to was You Had Me from Hello, and it was ours from that moment on"
Kenny laughs," okay coming up tonight just for you two."
I smirk as I think about what Sissie will do when Kenny sings that song. I plan on taking her in my arms and dancing with her to help remind her how good we are together. I have one more interview and it isn't supposed to be long. I manuver where I can watch Sissie enjoy Kenny. As I watch her sing along to the songs , I see Sissie with the fire in her eyes and then it dims when Kenny starts singing ...

Baby, here I am again
Kicking dust in the Canyon wind
Waiting for that sun to go down
Made it up Mulholland Drive
Hell bent on getting high
High above the lights of town

'Cause you and Tequila make me crazy
Run like poison in my blood
One more night could kill me, baby
One is one too many, one more is never enough

Thirty days and thirty nights
Been putting up a real good fight
And there were times I thought you'd win
It's so easy to forget
The bitter taste the morning left
Swore I wouldn't go back there again

'Cause you and Tequila make me crazy
Run like poison in my blood
One more night could kill me, baby
One is one too many, one more is never enough

When it comes to you
Oh, the damage I could do
It's always your favorite sins
That do you in

'Cause you and Tequila make me crazy
Run like poison in my blood
One more night could kill me, baby
One is one too many, one more is never enough

Never enough
You and Tequila
You and Tequila

I walk up behind her and as she turns I see a tear slip out of her eye, "Sissie please baby get out of your head. That was me ,yes,but not anymore. I'm done with that but it is something I fight and will fight every damn minute. I need you in my life, I need us."
" B, I don't know if I can . I am so damn afraid . I know-how bad it hurt last time , it almost killed me , and after losing Daddy ,I don't know if I could survive it"
I take her hand putting it over my heart, stepping closer to her. "Feel that Sissie, that right there has been yours since the first moment I locked eyes on you. I told you before but I will tell you every damn day if I need to to make you believe me. I've never stopped loving you baby and I never will. Yeah we got lost both of us but this is our chance to make it right and be together . I promise you i am not going anywhere so please, please let me in"
"B, I want to so much and I know you love me . I get that especially after tonight , watching you perform those songs live. I saw the emotion across your face , how each memory was there and how in my heart I know you love me but...."
I cut her off by gripping her chin making her look me dead in the eye,"no, no buts Sissie . For once get out of your damn head and feel. You can't keep your feelings locked away forever." I know what I do next may push her further away but I lean down and brush my lips against hers softly kissing her while pulling her body next to mine. I feel her heart pounding as she tries to pull away but I tighten my grip kissing her deeper until she relaxes into me kissing me back matching me , gripping the back of my T-shirt. I don't give a damn who is getting a show as I slide my hands into her back pockets of her shorts because she is giving a little. Sissie breaks the kiss with a gasp blinking her eyes open to look at me as a familiar song starts , I hear Kenny say," this next song goes out tonight to those who knew from the moment they laid eyes on someone that they were meant to be together. "
Sissie starts to pull away and I whisper in her ear ,"you know its true what our song describes and I pull her into my arms and dance with her as Kenny sings...

One word, that's all you said
Something in your voice called me, turned my head
Your smile, just captured me
You were in my future as far as I could see
And I dont know how it happens, but it happens still
You asked me if I love you, if I always will

Well you had me from hello
I felt love start to grow
The moment I looked into your eyes you won me
It was over from the start you completely stole my heart
And now you won't let go
I never even had a chance you know
You had me from hello

Inside I built a wall
So high around my heart, I thought I'd never fall
One touch, you brought it down
The bricks of my defenses scattered on the ground
And I swore to me I wasn't going to love again
The last time was the last time I'd let someone in

But you had me from hello
I felt love start to grow
The moment I looked into your eyes you won me
It was over from the start you completely stole my heart
And now you wont let go
I never even had a chance you know
You had me from hello

Thats all you said
Something in your voice calls me, turns my head
You had me from hello
You had me from hello
Girl, I've loved you from hello

"B , she says so soft I almost can't hear her with tears in her eyes, Promise me something ?"
"Anything baby, " I answer looking down at her "I'd lay for my life for you , you know that"
"don't break me " she whispers biting her lip, eyes shining with tears.
"Never against princess I promise " I kiss her softly at first until she is giving me everything she has and then I feel it the resistance is gone. She is fully accepting me, my hands squeeze her ass and she leans in pressing our bodies tightly together as she fists my shirt in her hands and a low moan comes from her throat.
"Brantley," she whispers "get me out of here. I want to feel you I need you to feel you. Please "she says slipping her hands under my shirt dragging her nails up and down lightly.
"You sure Sissie ? Cause darlin once I have you in my bed there is no more running away again, cause I am all in "
  "I'm sure B , I'm tired of fighting my feelings for you, I'm tired of running"
   I lean down and kiss her while I move my hands out of her pockets and grip her ass, picking her up . She wraps her legs around me and kisses my neck making me growl."mmmmm, god that makes me wet B" with those words I stalk past Jeff and say,"I am headed to the bus roll out whenever but do not disturb me."

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