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A/N: This is for those of you who did not hear the beginning of the story, and will be very confused when I start this in the middle of random crap. Please read if you are confused. It will be a summary, and I will try to speed it up. Thank you. (Forgive the bad grammar, rushing through it).
Those of you who would like to skip this (which I expect most of you will) I don’t blame you. But if you are ever confused, go back, and read a bit. If you want to skip, click on the next chapter.

It starts off with Alek (Second Prince of Alcor, soon to be king) in his room and a portal appears with a hand coming through. Ya need a plot so of course he takes the hand and it yanks him through, shutting the portal behind him.

Alek comes face to face with a blonde woman who has pointed ears (yes, like an elf) and light green skin. She looks at him with a smile but her face falls and she tells him, “You aren’t who I’m looking for.”

He apologizes and is as polite as ever to a girl who had basically kidnapped him. She apologizes as well and draws a symbol on a tree with chalk, pressing the middle so it opens up. She says goodbye and tries to send him through, but he just appears back in the same forest. She tries again but it doesn’t work so she says she should bring Alek to her husband, cause he would know what to do. (Hehe p.s I will be fangirling through this)

She takes him to her little village that has tree houses and little huts for homes. Some homes are larger than others, and there is one large tree in the middle that is called, “The great tree” (but Alek doesn’t know this yet) and it has a bunch of paintings on the trunk. This crazy dude (who is also a part of the night elf race, meaning his ears are pointed and his skin is either pale, a light light color, or normal) with spiky red hair jumps out from behind a rock and runs at Alek screaming. Alek screams and runs away but Ithilaine (crazy dude) catches up to him and yells at Maria (the woman with him), “A HUMAN?! ARE YOU INSANE?! HOW DARE YOU BRING ANOTHER CURSE UPON US ASHTREE! DO YOU REMEMBER TIMBER?!”

Maria obviously didn’t like the name, “timber” but said nothing about it, explaining to Ithilaine that alek is kind and good. Ithilaine disagrees but let’s Alek go. Alex goes back to Maria and maria goes to her home (which is up in a tree) and calls for someone named Nixxiom. A tall man with green skin and blank white eyes comes and glares at Alek. Alek freaks out and shields Maria and yells, “Ah! The walking dead! Stand back my lady!”

Nixxiom is all upset about this and Maria’s like, “Oh dats mah husband” and alek is all like “well shoot dang” anyway so Nixxiom tries to send him home, it doesn’t work, so Maria offers a place for him to stay while they figure it out. Alekar tries to sleep and wakes up to them talking about their missing daughter. He offers to help but Nixxiom says no and leaves on his own. Maria is having none of that shiz so she gives Alekar a satchel and tells him to follow Nixxiom.

He follows Nixxiom, but loses nixxiom, and ends up getting lost in the forest. He is then hit to the ground and kidnapped, his hands binded behind his back by this large man like wolf creature that begins dragging him to this tribe. He's like, “Shiz.” But then he's all like, “Welp I can just untie this rope easy-peasy” and he does, holding it to his wrists as if he is tied.

He then yells insults at the big gruff barbaric wolf dude pulling him, and the wolf dude yells at him to shut up cause he says and I quote, “You’re just like that brat!” and continues pulling alekar. Alekar (I can only say Alekar because Alek always corrects to Alex and it drives me insane so yup) thinks this might be the missing girl so he lets the big wolf dude carry him to this tribe of the same race, and drag him through to the leader.

The leader’s name is Titan, and he looks the meanest of them all. He says they’re going to eat Alekar but he’s like, “Na fam you thought,” and takes off the rope, standing up and pulling out his sword then pointing it at Titan. Everyone steps back and Alekar’s like, “Wheres the girl?”

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