The Town

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Alek goes to his own, quickly bathing, by himself, not really trusting the servants. He cleans up, dries off, and pulls on a red tailcoat suit.

Bridgette finishes and picks up her nightgown that's torn, covered in dirt, and blood. She frowns and looks down at it before putting it back on. "At least it's not a gown Kogan made..." She walks out of the bathroom.

Alek puts on a pair of white gloves, matching his pants. He attaches his sheath to his side, sliding the sword in.

A: (Hehe. I wanna torture Alek... for some reason I just feel the need to mess with his emotions....)

L: (Well all is well currently for him, might as well)

Bridgette walks to Alek's room and knocks on the door.

L: (Lol I just realized I pretty much said, "his life is okay, lets ruin it.")

Alek turns away from his window, "Yes?"

"Its me! Can I come in?"

L: (Anything you plan always becomes beautiful)

Alek smiles. "Yes, of course."

A: (Awww thanks! But that's no always true.)

Bridgette walks in smiling. She catches sight of him and stops. "Woah..." her cheeks turn pink.

Alek chuckles lightly. He bows. "How may I help you?"

"Oh... uh..." She looks away bashful and grabs her dress tightly in her hands, "Well maybe you can show me around town now?"

Alek's eyes shine with delight. "Oh would you like to? That would be marvelous!"

She nods quickly with excitement. "Yes please! If you want to."

Alek nods. "Nothing would make me happier." He smiles his trademark charming smile (the one he used on girls that teased him) and starts to guide her out of his room, closing the door behind them.

She follows happily, staying close behind him.

Alek smiles as the guards open the castle gates, allowing him and Bridgette through. "The town is beautiful. Everyone in it takes great pride in keeping everything full of life and clean." Alek smiles as he continues walking.

Bridgette's eyes widen as she looks around with a smile. "Aren't there people who try to ruin the beauty? Or hurt people?"

"Well yes, although recently reports of vandalism and other crimes have been low." He smiles and waves at a kid who is waving excitedly.

Bridgette smiles and takes admiration in Alek's kindness and love for his homeland.

Alek hears a bit of music from down the road and grins. "Oh! Follow me!" He grabs her hand and takes off running.

Bridgette follows with a smile, giggling a bit as he pulls her "Where are we going?"

"The people here love music." he says, glancing back at her and weaving through a small crowd. He slows to a stop at the town square, where people were dancing and singing and playing music. He smiles and looks to Bridgette. "I figured you would want to join them."

Bridgette gasps and her eyes shine. She giggles and rushes to dance with them, synchronizing.

Alek chuckles, content with watching. A girl from the crowd comes up to him with a smile and grabs his hands, pulling him to the energetic dance, people jumping and switching partners as the song goes along.

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