The Dungeon

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It's at the same moment that she's thrown into the dungeon cell, the bars locking, that Alek starts pacing. "I'm going back for her." Kogan grabs his jacket.

"Give her a minute, she's a fully capable girl."

Alek thinks for a moment then shakes his head. "It's been too long already."

"You've been saying that since we got out."

Alek runs his fingers through his hair. "And I was right then. I'm right now."

A: (XD I love that.)

Kogan looks back to the maze. "Alek, I don't want you going back..." Kogan looks back to find alek already gone. "Alek!"

Bridgette grabs the bars and shakes them. "I DEMAND A LAWYER! I HAVE MY RIGHTS I WANNA SPEAK WITH WHOEVER'S IN CHARGE!"

The jailer laughs. "I believe that's the king, but I doubt he'd give you the time of day."

"He would if he hears I called him a fat pony." She spits at the guard sharply, her eyes slits.

He shakes his head. "You know what? I'll request the king to speak to you. I doubt he will." The jailer turns to a servant who was feeding a prisoner. "Hey you!" The servant Melody looks up "Go alert the king that this one wants to see 'em." Melody looks at Bridgette concerned but nods, hurrying off before anything else could be said.

Bridgette snarls and sits against the back wall, folding her arms and crossing her legs. "Take your sweet time..."

It's several minutes before heeled footsteps click down the stone stairs. The jailer stands bowing. "Your highness."

Rose steps into view. "Ah, so they found one."

Bridgette growls and stands up sharply "What are you doing here...?"

"The king sent me, he has better things to do than deal with some peasant lacking respect."

She laughs and rushes to the bars, grabbing them roughly and looking Rose in the eyes. She snarls, "I'm not a peasant. I'm a bada** backwoods man that's going to ruin your life."

"Yes of course, do try from behind those bars." Rose turns her attention to her nails, them being stained slightly red. "Now, this can be over quickly if you answer me. Where are the princes?"

"Why don't you check up your a**, you really want them up there."

The jailer stifles a laugh. The princess glares at him. "I'd watch your tongue before you get yourself killed!"

"You've already torn up my dress, I'm sure your nails are pretty dull. Better go to the blacksmith and get them sharpened first." Bridgette grins, her eyes still slitting.

L: (OH MY)


Rose looks disgusted. "You know, you have quite the talk for someone who's so incapable of protecting themselves. You seemed pretty terrified in front of that gentleman... what was his name... Timber?"

Bridgette shudders and skips a breath, her eyes turning back to normal. She gulps and keeps a straight face. "At least people want to take care of me. You have to pay them to do it."

"I don't have to take this. You were the one who wanted to be heard." Rose started out the dungeon.

Bridgette takes deep breaths and her eyes slit again as she screams out, "BI***!"

The door closes with a heavy slam. The jailer bursts out in laughter.

Bridgette softens and looks at him puzzled "What's so funny?"

The jailer takes deep breaths, a smile on his face. "You're quite a funny girl! Not to mention you have the guts to say what we all want to!"

She giggles and smiles "Thank you! You are very polite!" She holds her hand out from the bars "I'm Bridgette Ashtree! What's your name?"

The jailer shakes her hand. "Crainer Jacobs."

"Well Crainer, I like you a lot! I think this will be a very pleasant prison!" She smiles at him "So you don't like her?"

He laughs again. "Trust me, no one does."

"Awww well that's kinda rude I think. I like her! She just needs a taste of her own medicine sometimes." She giggles. "Also if you meet Tobias, arrest him for treason please." She smiles.

He laughs again. "You've got quite the spirit! You seem like a nice girl, why in the world would you be put down here?"

Bridgette thinks for a moment "Well... I think Rose doesn't like me... which is weird because everyone likes me." She winks at him and giggles "The king doesn't like me either. And I'm the friend to the princes. But I think I'll grow on them. They haven't beaten me yet so that's good."

"Beaten you? Well you sound like you're from Grathe." Crainer leans against the wall.

"Nope! Somewhere worse. America." She giggles "No, just grew up with a bad childhood." She shrugs "I'm surprised you haven't beaten me yet."

"Eh, I'm not that bad." He chuckles. "I do what's justified, or rather what won't get me killed."

Bridgette laughs, "Is that what justice is now? Explains a lot about the people I meet. But I suppose that means I can't convince you to let me go."

"As much as I'd love to, no." He paused. "Actually, maybe if you can tell me where the princes are, I can help you with whatever you need."

"...." Her ears pin "I'm sorry Crainer, but I'm not an idiot. I can give you kindness, and maybe friendship, but I've been betrayed more than enough times in my life to know when there is a liar. I swear on my father's dead spirit, I will never tell a soul where the princes are."

He smiles. "Well that's some persistence." He stands.

The large dungeon door is heard opening followed by heavy footsteps.

Bridgette looks away and takes a step back from the bars, feeling betrayed once again, yet knowing Nixxiom would be proud this time.

A guard walks in, fully dressed in armor. On his back was a boy in a royal suit, medals dangling from his chest...

"ALEK! I TOLD YOU NO!" She looks at him with furious eyes, yet relieved he is okay.

A: (Lol almost want Tobias to be like, "shiz gotta save em")

The guard glances back before turning to Crainer. The jailer and him exchange words, the boy being carried lying still. The jailer's eyes widen. "The king?! Never would have guessed. He's always been so obedient."

A: (Confused)

"That's what we all said. Serves the twerp right. It's a miracle we could get him away before he actually stabbed Darwin." The guard laughed, throwing the boy into the cell, hair over his face. The boy is unconscious.

"Anything else ya need?" Crainer asks.

"The king wanted the girl." The guard replies.

Bridgette growls at them then rushes to the boy, moving back his hair. "I'm sorry..."

L: (Shhhhiiiii-)


The boy is someone she's never seen before.
The jailer stood, taking the keys and sticking them into the lock.

Bridgette looks curious and studies him. "Who... Who is this?" She looks at the jailer, her face soft.

"Well thanks for the information," Crainer says, nodding his head. He pauses. "What?" He locks the bars again.

"Who is this boy?!" She stands up.

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