The Help

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"Mama, I swear I heard someone.." A voice said from in the woods.

Bridgettes heart skips a beat and she calls out, "YES! YES OVER HERE!"

"Heron! Wait please!"

 Quite a bit up the road, the golden eyed boy with the scar steps out. "Mama!" A woman steps out behind him.

Bridgette gasps and smiles wide, tears still rolling. "It's you!"

The boy runs up, the mother close behind. "Its you! Mama she's who got us out!"

 The woman stepped up quickly. "Oh dear girl, what's wrong?" She knelt by the two, turning to Alek and feeling his forehead.

"M-my friend he got hurt and... and he's going insane! Something's wrong with him, yet I don't have everything I need to help him." She looks at Alek worried.

"Heron get your father now!" The boy runs off.

She looks to Bridgette. "You've done well. When was the last time he's eaten? And-" she gasps seeing the cuts on his side. "Oh my..."

Bridgette nods and whimpers "I-I don't know. I don't know anything! I-I can't think straight and I'm terrified-"

The woman takes her hand in her own. "Don't worry, my husband will be here soon, he can help."

A few minutes later, a large man with tan skin comes, picking up Alek and carrying him as the woman walks with Bridgette. They arrive at their home, which is a ivy-covered cottage. They set Alek down on a couch, allowing Bridgette to do whatever she wanted.

Bridgette lays on her stomach next to the couch, her face presses against the floor as if she's planking. One of her hands hold to his and she trembles.

The woman examined Alek, heading to the kitchen and grabbing a wet rag. She lays it over his eyes.

Bridgette turns her head to the side so her cheek is pressed against the ground, her eyes sad and full of tears.

The woman frowns. "He should be alright by morning... mentally at least." She looks to Bridgette. "Can I help you, with anything at all?"

Bridgette shakes her head and continues holding Alek's hand. "Just take care of him please... A-and lock your doors at night..." She knows it won't stop Timber, but it makes her feel safe to try.

The woman nods, standing up. She moves to lock the door and goes to her bedroom. Alek's hand tightens slightly around hers.

Her eyes widen and she sits up quickly, grabbing his hand with both of hers and looking at him. "A-are you okay? Do you need anything? Alek?"

A: (If Timber be listening in he just be like, "UGH. BOTH OF YOU STAP TOO MANY FREAKING QUESTIONS OMG!")


He nods slightly. His other hand moving to his side, which reopened a bit.

"Oh no! Hold on," she unwraps it and looks at the blood with worry. "M-miss? Miss I need a needle and some thread! And maybe a cleaning rag!"

The woman quickly gets what she needs, placing it next to her. She frowns and steps back.

L: (XD Timber that Bork Bork Bork)

Bridgette begins working on his side, focusing. She says softly to Alek "If I ever see him again I'll kick him in the balls so hard he wont have them anymore."

"I doubt he'll enjoy that..." Alek whispers. He holds onto the couch while she sews.

Bridgette smiles a bit and let's out a short breath of relief "Y-yeah... I know..." when she finishes she looks at him and strokes his cheek gently.

Alek keeps one hand on Bridgette, the rag over his eyes. "...I'm sorry for scaring you.."

She looks away yet keeps her hand on his cheek "I'm just glad you're okay..."

"...I am..." he sighs. "...I need you to be too..." he smiles a weary smile. "...That was intensified with sleep deprivation..."

Bridgette Giggles a bit and smiles lightly. "Then you should rest... can I do anything to help you relax for feel more comfortable...?"

"...Just promise to stay safe and I'll have to hold you to your word..." Alek breathes in a heavy breath. "...because frankly I feel absolutely horrid at the moment..."

"That's why you need to sleep..." She smiles a bit and leans to his ear, kissing his cheek softly and whispering, "But I promise..."

Alek smiles, "Good girl."

Bridgette smiles and lays against the couch, still holding his hand. Soon, She drifts to sleep as well.

Alek snores softly and sleeps well for the first time in a week.

After a few days of Bridgette helping the people and taking care of Alek, his wounds seal and begin turning into scars.

Alek smiles, looking at his scar. "What do you think, are battle scars impressive or horrific?"

"Hmm...." Bridgette looks at his scars and tilts her head to the side as if trying to look at abstract art "... both." She smiles.

He chuckles, pulling his shirt back over them. "Fair enough."

Bridgette hugs him "You feeling okay?"

He hugs her with one arm. "I'm much better my lady."

"Good! This means we can go home!"

Alek nods. "Of course!"

"Then let's hurry before Timber comes back..." She smiles a bit and walks out the door "Thank you all for the help!"

Heron jumps out screaming his farewell. Alek thanks them as well and goes out the door.



L/N: Awwww yeah.

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