The Princess

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In the morning Bridgette goes to the castle early and knocks on Rose's door.

A servant opens the door, after having been making the bed. Rose looked to the door, still in her nightgown. "Oh, it's you." She rolls her eyes, "What do you want?"

"I'm here to help you." She smiles at the servant "You get a break." She winks knowing she could probably tolerate Rose better than anyone.

The servant bows and heads off. Rose sighs.

Bridgette walks in and shuts the door. "What's wrong your highness?"

"Nothing is wrong. My servant was only switched out for someone who I severely dislike." She tosses back her hair and opens the curtains.

"Awww you don't like me? Why not?" She giggles and finishes making the bed before getting out a dress for Rose.

"If I remember correctly, last time we met you had told me to 'look up my a--'" She folds her arms.

L: (Hehe someone jealous.)

A: (Hehehehehehehe)

"Oh... I'm sorry about that..." She looks down bashfully "I get angry sometimes. And I was born when my papa was undead, which means I got some of that in me." She shrugs.

Rose places a hand on her hip. "I didn't ask for your life story. Are you going to help me dress or should I get started?"

"Oh sorry!" She smiles and begins helping Rose.

Rose says nothing, allowing her to do whatever she needed.

Bridgette finishes and smiles looking at her "You're very pretty. I wish I could be that pretty sometimes."

Alek had changed, suit now red, figuring it was the most convenient. He started towards Kogan's room, checking first to make sure Tobias was no where near.

"You seem to be able to catch the eyes of men easy enough." She mutters.

"Hm?" Bridgette laughs "Not really. It's because of my green skin and ears." She wiggles her ears and giggles "You definitely catch men's attention with beauty."

Rose holds her head up, keeping perfect posture. "Sometimes that isn't enough."

"... What's wrong?" Her ears flatten.

"Nothing is wrong. How many times to I need to say that." She keeps her head forward her eyes glancing down momentarily.

"..." Bridgette smiles lightly. "Hey... you can talk to me Rose... I want to help you..." She grabs Rose's hands.

Rose pulls away. "I don't need your help!"

Bridgette jolts "Oh... Well, I just want you to know that you're beautiful. No wonder men love you so much..." She smiles.

"You're the only person who seems to think that." The corners of her mouth tilt down.

"No I'm not!" She smiles wide "Rose, plenty of people think you are beautiful!"

"I know I'm beautiful!" She glares at the wall. "But that doesn't seem to do anything when it comes to the prince."

"... What do you mean? You're marrying him aren't you." Bridgette walks to her.

She rolls her eyes. "Yes but it means nothing if my kingdom has to threaten war first."

"I...." Bridgette looks down "Well... I... what makes you think he doesn't love you? He just needs to warm up to you is all. I can help!"

Rose lifts her head. "You won't be able to do anything. He has his eyes set on someone else." She starts for the door.

"What? On who...?" Bridgette seems confused. "And my help is pretty wonderful."

"You're oblivious." She exits, heading down the hall to the dining room.

Bridgette seems confused and sighs shaking her head. She goes to the garden.

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