The Lies

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There is a knock at the kings door.  A servant opens the door.

The king doesn't look up. "Yes, yes what is it?"

"Good morning, I have to discuss something very important with you." Timber smiles.


The king raises his head, not quite recognizing the voice. "Oh it's you from the ball." The king sets down his work. "What do you need?"

"My Lord, I have come to discuss your peace treaty... how many lands are there exactly? That are in contact with you I mean..." His mouth twitches with anger at asking a question but he bares through it.

A: Oh! JUST SO YA KNOW Timber hates questions. Like, A LOT. He hates asking questions, or being asked questions, unless it is from Bridgette. He will ask her questions, because he grew up with her and used to ask questions like, "Oh really? What else happened?" When she was a child. She used to always ask him questions as well, which is why he loves her questions, but hates every other one.

"Four at this moment. Why?"

"Well... I would prefer to speak with you alone on this." He glances at the servant sharply as he walks inside.

The king hesitates a moment before nodding and the servant leaves. "What is it?"

"What is your relationship with all these kingdoms?" Timber cringes but forces a smile as he sits down.

The king eyes him. "You're here to talk politics yet you know nothing of the relations... Why do you require this information?"

"So I can talk politics." He chuckles and smiles "I just have a way you could... make lasting peace for a while..." he grins "That's all. I need to know the relations, so I know which kingdom has the most trouble with yours. Then I have a... suggestion I hope you find quite helpful. "

"The kingdoms Grathe and Fistle. They currently are undergoing civil changes that lead to unrest in my own kingdom. Vitae holds us by a thumb, threatening war. Castoria really is the only one who stays neutral." The king says plainly.

"Wonderful. This makes my deal perfect for you then." He sits formally and clears his throat. "Let me start with Bridgette, before I get to your son. Bridgette is a hard worker from what I've noticed and loves her job, not trying to cause problems for anyone. Not only that but her appearance is... interesting. Green skin, pointed ears. Not many people see that here. She could be used for many things, maybe even as a freak show. So, send her as a gift to one of those kingdoms. A treaty gift." He smiles "... As for Alek, you can set up another arranged marriage because if you didn't know Rose took off last night WITH , might I add, Bridgette's help. Meaning she committed treason against the safety of your kingdom, more the reason to get rid of her..." he chuckles "So really the only options you have is to get rid of Bridgette, who is terribly influencing your son, and remarry Alek."

The king nods slightly. "I can see your point, yet I owe a lot to this girl. What makes your story credible?"

"There is no greater reason than peace. And she has committed treason, been a bad influence on your son. I'm sure that's reason enough."

"Yet, from what I have been informed, the queen still recieves word from her daughter from here in Alcor. I have no reason to believe there is any need to take action. Besides, you had stated this girl is a hard worker, one that had done well for the state of this kingdom. So, unless you have evidence against her, I have no reason to give you any say in the dealings of my Kingdom." The king paused, leaning on his desk. "I did happen to notice that you shared the same particular interest in the girl during the ball, and I had ordered for your arrest. Why shouldn't I just, arrest you now? For all I know you could be a spy from Grathe."

"Sir, I would not be trying to make peace with you if I was a spy. I am not a spy I can assure you. I take interest in the girl because..." He thinks on his feet and grins "Well she is strange looking. She is a curious thing. Besides, she isn't such an asset to THIS kingdom. You already have so much. Think of how grateful the other kingdoms would be."

"Speaking of kingdoms, I don't recognize anyone of your description in my kingdom's records. Believe me, I've taken an interest in you for the same reason." The king looks at him, studying the tails and mask. "If I arrested you, I could just trade you off."

He laughs "Sir you may do whatever you wish with me. I am only here to help you. Go ahead, trade me off with Bridgette. But being your advisor would be a better fitting job if you don't mind me saying. After all, I have helped you."

The king smiles lightly. "I enjoy your willingness to cooperate, but I never did say with." He folds his arms. "The girl has a place in my kingdom, one that certainly was lacking. She also seems to have a place with my sons."

"That position can be filled easily, and she has committed a crime against one of them. I don't understand why you have kept her for so long as it is..."

The king narrows his eyes. "Again, you say treason, yet I have no reason to believe so. The queen is happy. No one questions the authenticity. Who says there is a problem?"

"Your son who was slapped three times yesterday by Bridgette." Timber sits back, his face stiff "And if it wasn't treason, she would have told you. Not to mention the fact she is keeping it secret. And that she has helped your son's personal protector get kicked out of the kingdom, and that she made Kogan cry.  What makes you think SHE isn't a spy?" It wasn't much of a question, more of a clarification, yet it still made him wince.


L: (Oh gosh... this is gonna be bad)

The king's eyebrow raises. "I don't like what I'm hearing, but I am curious as to how you would know of this?"

L: (He's a ruler, no room for error or misled trust)

He chuckles "My Lord, if I wanted to be an advisor, I was going to gather my facts. Word gets around, whispers are shared, you figure things out quite easily when you pay attention." He smiles.

A: (Yes but Timber is crazy, he thinks these things through, especially when Bridgette is involved.)

The king sits back in his chair. "I will of course have to go through my sons to check your credibility."

"For all you know, Bridgette is threatening them to make her look good. All of this could be an act. She could make your sons acting too, saying she might beat them if they don't. I know this because I once saw her angry with.... Alek, I think it was. Her eyes were slits and her ears pinned back. If you don't believe me, make her angry and see what happens. Then, I would speak with your sons after you have enough knowledge."

"I don't see her motive, although I will be sure to check on that too. And believe me, I had noticed that the Princess suddenly stopped eating." The king stands and smiles. "As for your willingness to cooperate, I trust you would allow me to keep you under surveillance until I can come to a valid conclusion and solution for the girl."

"Of course... as for her motive, control of the kingdom sounds about right. If she is seducing your son to get control, well.... But of course I'm sure you already know about that!" He chuckles and stands up, "I am at your service, my king."

The king pauses for another moment. "You say seducing my son?" The king waves it off. "Needless to say I will have one of my guards stand by your side during your stay in Alcor. I will have one assigned shortly." The king folds his hands on the desk. "You are dismissed."

Timber bows with a curling smile "Thank you your highness. It has been my pleasure speaking with you..." he leaves.

The king's servant moves back in respectfully. "Set one of the finest guards to escort that gentleman." The servant nods and runs off.



L/N: This was personally frustrating because I was like..why tf would the king follow Timber but the other half of me was BUT PLOT!

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